Sunday, September 30, 2007
[10:22 PM]
TOOPID IDIOTSSSSS >.<DUNNO WHO SO BO LIAO LOR !!!!SABO-ING ME ):but i think i'm not e onli 1 tt kena sab0ed!toopid person went round sending weird's pic de testi byusing my acc can!!!dunno how e hell they can sign in 2 my frster'd acc lor ?.?damn la..toopid! so pissed man >><<anyway if any1 receive weird pic from "BE" delete it n "trust" me...i won't send tt kinda pic de,BE is so damn nice..'ll onli send "super duper nice" de testi2 friends lor !anyway sorry shanx, veron n charlene ):
[9:34 AM]
:( hon ss!W I
Friday, September 28, 2007
[11:01 PM]
praypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypray praypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypray
praypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypray praypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypray
praypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypray praypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypray
praypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypray praypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypraypray
pray hard 4 my baby! <3
i noe is not enough...
i'll con't it in my zz n dreams =]]
i nvr copy n paste de (:
btw y mus "p" so far away from "r", "a" and "y" ler? =.=
[1:58 PM]
jean!!!! kan dao wo ma?? xP
back from jogging :)
mickey mouse jacket!
$59.90 but after discount..$41.30!
so cute =]]
went down 2 PS ...
damn kuku la cos i thought there got M1 lor =.=
wahlao waste my trip there but at least i brought a mickey's
jacket ! YAY! =]]
oh ya..i took mrt from commonwealth station lor..
then i saw a damn cool girl..hahaha..omg! omg!
is tt u , JEAN????
omg! mus be u lor..haha..u so skinny lor !
ni chu lai, wo jin qu !!! i wanted 2 call u de but i was quite
rush so jiu suan le..then also dunno isit u ma...haha..
then i went in le jiu zhi yi tou xiao..lolx!
i should ve call u la =/
u remem ma? tt 1 damn kns de lor..with big big sunglasses n white nike cap de auntie !!!! xP
[1:22 PM]
ok..c tis man ma?
i should tell u bout him :)
tis morni around 7am+ ..i went 2 jog hor,
then i saw lots of pp zai jogging lor..
then jiu kan dao tis man, yi zhi "smile" like xin qing cbleh
hao litat ! of cos la..7 zao 8 zao qing mus be hao lor!
he was standing there so i guess he's doing some warm-up
exercise lor..haha..
ok then wo jiu start 2 jog lor..
1st round...he was standing at e same spot...
2nd round...he was still standing at e same spot!
3rd round.....he was still still standing at e same spot! -.
4th round......he was still still still standing at e same spot! -.-
5th round........
6th round.........
7th round...........
my last round, 8th round...he stilllllllllllllllllllllll there can!!!!!
my final conclusion....he is siao de )X
last x he mus be a soldier! those standing and guarding outside Istana de bo?! bo how come he so enjoy "jus"
standing at e same spot lor =.=
then i being KPO again lor..haha..decided 2 "tou pai" him x)
so i jiu jia jia jog another round..then jiu took out my hp from
my arm pouch , jia jia move my lips as if i'm toking 2 some1
on e hp! but actually i was humming song nia lor x)
i damn mean n notti la ..haha..
then jiu "ka cha".... "u re on candid camera !" xP
oh i so afraid he kan dao wo tou pai ta lor..haha
later give me 2 slaps n pull my hair jiu die x(
after tou pai , wo jiu hui jia then i keep turning my head
2 look at him lor..haha..he still standing there lor !!!
dunno he gonna stand dao when lor?
oh gosh! i super duper KPO ler!!! none of my business man =.=
Thursday, September 27, 2007
[7:38 AM]
1) If you were a bird, which bird would you be?
penguin lor ! xD cos penguins re cute,friendly..they
swim so well(i'm lousy la ): oh ya..n they dress smart,
like "tuxedo suit"! xD
2) Which town would you choose to die in?
aiyo! can choose de meh? at home lor..wait..dun wan la
later my mom scare..haha..
3) If you could be someone famous, who would you be?
ermmm...dunno lor? wonder woman? :P
4) Name the 3 famous people you admire the most.
3 arh? aiyo..sui bian la..actually dun really admire
them la..unless they're famous cos of their intelligent bo hor famous pp sure sacrifice lots of
freedom de lor :(
5) If you choose to know when you'll die, would you do so?
i dun wan 2 noe lor x(
6) If you had to sing a well known song about your life, which song would you choose? ri ki ta ya,lao ding phua low lao ka xP
7) Which fictional hero do you resemble the most?
dunno la ?.?
8) Which fictional villain would you want to be?
pan jin lian! LOLX! NO LA!
9) At what age do you think you'll die?
HOW I NOE? soon ba?
10) Would you change faces with someone else?
11) You've been granted 3 wishes, what are they?
12) You have absolute power in your country for one hour: What do you do?
WANNA catch all e rapist >.<
13) What job would you do if you could choose anything?
counselor :)
14) What is your worst fear?
U stop loving me ):
15) Which has been the best day of your life so far?
everyday ..especially since 0602 onwards :)
16) Which has been the worst day of your life so far?
dunno ..dun wanna 2 recall le ,maybe e day tt dad left
us )X
17) Describe the worst nightmare you have ever had.
4get le xD
18) Think about something from your past that embarrasses you even now. What is it?
dun remem la..erm..maybe went in "male" toilet ba?
19) Would you sincerely like to be rich?
y mus sincerely ? who dun wan 2 be rich???
20) You have one month to live, plan the rest of your life.
spent more x with all my friends n relatives
try 2 do more shan shi:)
try 2 visit those places tt i've lots of beautiful hui yi again :)
try 2 an pai hao hao everything 4 my mom if she still
around X(
try 2 stay happy everyday..
try 2 stay by my ai ren's side everyday :)
try 2 chan4 hui3 everyday!
try 2 nian da bei zhou everyday ! :)
so many thing la ..can extend another mth ma?
bo not enough lor xP
haha...done =]]
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
[10:01 PM]
Your Japanese Name Is... |
Yuriko Gojo |
baby kukuhead =]]
[9:52 PM]
Your Heart is Feeling Open |
You have no idea where your love path leads, but you're looking forward to the journey. For you, love as an adventure. While you may get hurt, that's the risk you have to take. You are receptive to any love or relationship that may come your way. You can't predict love!
Deep down, your heart is susceptible to: Anything... both good and bad
Your current outlook on love: Free spirited and flexible
Your love life will improve if you: Protect yourself a little. You don't have to be open to every romantic experience.
Watch out for: Treating love as a game |
yea..i think i do b4 le..haha
[9:50 PM]
Your Love is Based on Commitment |
You believe that love is something that develops and grows. You don't believe in love at first site, and you never mistake lust for love. For you, love is about mutual devotion, respect, and understanding. You don't feel comfortable in a relationship, unless you're both in it for the long run.
Why your love can last: You don't take commitment lightly - or leave relationships easily
Why your love can fail: You're so committed, you often can't see the most obvious problems in your relationship |
i did tis b4? kuku la xP
[12:40 PM]
好 累 啊 ! 哈 哈 。 。
人 越 是 空 闲 就 会 觉 得 累 , 不 知 你 是 否 有 同 感 ?
接 下 来 还 有 得 累 呢 。 。 因 为 我 拿 了 大 概 两 个 星 期
的 长 假 ! (: 为 我 欢 呼 吧 =P
我 可 不 会 闲 着 、 来 着 的 !
我 要 好 好 利 用 这 两 个 星 期 的 时 间 。 。
好 好 的 睡 个 够 ! o.O 哈 哈 !
没 有 啦 。 。 开 玩 笑 啦 ! 我 又 不 是 猪 哪 有 可 能 睡 上
两 个 星 期 啦 !
还 是 得 工 作 的 !
只 是 在 这 而 不 是 在 那 个 讨 厌 的 地 方 罢 了 。
至 于 什 么 原 因 要 拿 长 假 呢 ?
哈 哈 ! 太 累 了 ! 太 想 家 了 ! 太 想 老 妈 子 了 !
太多 因 素 了 xP
老 板 以 为 我 要 去 旅 行 , 我 告 诉 他 要 躲 在 家 里 睡 大
觉 ! xD
当 然 留 在 这 。 。 。鼓 励 及 陪 着 你 、 不 想 你 有 丝 毫
的 牵 挂 也 是 原 因 之 一 ! 这 样 一 来 , 你 就 能 无 牵 无
挂 的 把 书 读 好 , 是 吗 ? 要 用 心 ! 要 加 油 好 吗 !? :)
日 子 真 的 过 得 好 快 、 好 快 啊 ! *摇 头 *
中 秋 就 这 样 过 了 ! 好 快 又 要 过 年 了 XP
哈 哈 !
昨 天 的 中 秋 节 仿 佛 勾 起 了 我 童 年 的 回 忆 。 。
记 得 在 老 家 时, 我 常 和 邻 居 一 起 过 中 秋 !
我 们 会 约 好 在 饭 后 就 到 走 廊 玩 蜡 烛 ! =P
我 们 把 蜡 烛 排 满 在 地 上 然 后 点 上 火 , 真 的 好 漂 亮 呀 !顽 皮 的 建 兴 (隔 壁 的 小 男 孩 ) 还 把 蜡 烛 滴 在
壁 虎 的 身 上 呀 ! 哈 哈 !
嗨。 。 。 这 一 切 已 成 了 回 忆 !
大 家 都 搬 家 了 。 。 。起 初 还 有 联 络 , 渐 渐 地
再 也 没 通 电 话 了 ,就 这样 失 去 了联 络 ! ):
真 的 。 。 。 人 在 不 同 的 阶 段 、 不 同 的 时 候 会 遇 到
不 同 的 过 客 ! 就 好 比 车 站 。 。我 在 这 上 巴 士 , 你 也 许 比 我 在 早 前 上 车 。 然 后 我 到 站 了 , 我 得 下 车
了但 你 却 还 没 到 达 你 的 地 点 !
不 管 怎 样 , 我 很 怀 念 我 的 童 年 。 。 。即 使 它 虽 有
灰 色 的 一 面 !
嗨 。 。 算 了 ! 过 去 的 成 年 往 事 就 把 它 保 留 在 一 个 角 落 吧 !
现 在 要 珍 惜 的 是 每 一 天 !
每 一 天 都 会 在 今 天 溜 走 ,昨 天 成 了 回 忆 。 。
明 天 是 新 的 一 天 、 新 的 开 始 。 。 。 。
希 望 每 个 人 都 能 记 住 昨 天 的 美 好 、留 住 今 天 的 彩 虹
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
[10:09 PM]
veronica: why the song so sad! eeyer..
[veron] lolx! sad songs re always nice lor..btw better than
those lyrics in ur blog xP
szehui: huh? why dun blog le? wad happen to u? haha
szehui: it's almost 10 now. sleep soon? haha gd nightz.
szehui: hey feel like flooding you
szehui: u know why??
szehui: cos i might not online for quite a long time liao haha.
szehui: maybe 2 weeks or 1 month..
szehui: so dont miss me haha.
szehui: take care n all the best
szehui: take care n all the best
szehui: byebye. =)
szehui: byebye. =)
szehui: oops tagged twice. comp sot-ed. haha.
[1st] nth happen 2 me lor..dun worry =]]
jus wanna take a break nia ..haha..yea..i always zzz around
10pm+ when i'm in bintan lor x( I noe y u wanna flood me
lor cos u gonna miss me ma..hahaha..omg! so super long ):
take care ok!!!!?? since u asked me not 2 miss u..i damn guai
de lor..haha xP U take care n all e best in ur exam too !
not ur comp siao la..cos ur fingers bu she de li kai my blog xD
shams: haha why omg? relax relax! ouh you work there? interesting. hahaha. see you next week (=
[shams] omg!omg!..haha..sudd kan dao ur name appeared here ma, damn honour lor =P dun worry..i got no heart attack
de x) yea, wk there ..long story ! cya NOW =]]
naomi: hahaha. this song supersupersuper nice right!! forgot the song title already! is yuan lai ai qing na me shang or something lilke that right.
[naomi] rite!!! yea..last x i heard from ur blog de lor ! haha
then now hear dao tis song e 1st thing tt came 2 my mind hor..
not sad xiang dao ur blog 1st lor..lolx!
ok..thanks 4 tagging =]]
[9:18 PM] 8pm nice lor =]]
so round lor..shi wu ma !!!!
sudd covered by e bu hui zhi dong de cloud =/
omg! least i still kan de dao lor ! xD
[6:18 PM]
[4:53 PM]
hello..i'm back :)
'll update when i'm free..
btw ..dun worry bout me , i'm damn fine lor =]]
[1:45 PM]
中 秋 节 快 乐 =]]
Friday, September 21, 2007
[7:19 AM]
leaving tmr..
bye n take care !
Thursday, September 20, 2007
[9:27 PM]
pissed >.<
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
[2:11 PM]
well...i'll stop blogging from 2day onwards...
'll blog when i feel like...
anyway...i'm fine..dun worry =]]
con't 2 tag me if u wan :)
take care everybody!
cya soon..
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
[5:14 PM]
[4:36 PM]
oh i think i abit crazy le )x
my mood changes damn fast recently ):
tis moment smiling ..nxt secs feel like crying =.=
mus rest la..too stress?too tired?too..????
haiz...watever la..
maybe 'll stay away from comp a few wks ba?!
maybe tis is e onli way tt 'll help ..
dunno la..
[2:16 PM]
tell me wat can u see ???
omg! y m i still hanging here? X))
[1:48 PM]
(omg! i still hanging around here..lolx!
mus really go n read my bk le xP
read tis...
Singlish version of Little Led Liding Hoot
~Once upon a time hor, got one girl called Little Led Liding Hoot. She want to go to Ah Mah's house.
Morning she alleady go out one,
she got take one basket to put flower. She doh wan to walk long-long so go take shot cut.
~Wah!!! She dono got one animal follow her leh!
She happy-happy walk until she come to Ah Mah house.
"Ah Mah! Ah Mah! I come, open the door lah!" she talk.
Then Ah Mah also talk back, "Come in lah I never close one." Little Led Liding Hoot open the house and go inside the door..
~Oh, solly the door and go inside the house, she see her Ah Mah on top of the bed.
She go ask Ah Mah. "Ah Mah, how come your eye so vely big one hah?"
"So I can see you maahhhhh!!!" Ah Mah say back.
"Ah Mah, how come your year vely long one hah?"
"So vely easy to hear you laah!!!!"
"Ah Mah, how come......."
"Aiyaa!!!! SO many question one ah you......never die before is it?"
"Soly lah Ah Mah, I dono mah that's why I ask".
"What soly-soly! Now I want to eat you, I not Ah Mah, I animal one you know......."
Wah! Little Led Liding Hoot vely scared alleady, she scleam vely loud but late alleady, the animal alleady eat her. She now inside stomach alleady.
Suddenly got one people, cut wood one, go inside the house. He want to save Little Led Liding Hoot, he go and cut the animal stomach and take out everything, but he too late, Little Led Liding Hoot become shit alleady...... ~
btw...i also speak "singlish" lor xDDD
[1:18 PM]
oh..i ven't finish e bk yet )x
cos i went 2 si ma lu jus now xD
went 2 bai bai lor..=]] gtg 2 read e bk le..byeeee (:
oh..somex i was wondering m i too kpo le ? ):maybe i tagged too much )xi should jus keep my big fat mouth shut n skinny fingers stoptagging !!!! haiz..i m sorry );
[7:32 AM]
我 这 只 笨 猪 猪 =.=
借 的 书 在 21/09到 期 , 但 早 上 才 发 现 还 有 一 本
忘 了 读 ! )x
我 看 我 是 被 震 坏 脑 袋 了 @.&
而 且 当 时 借 到 这 本 书 时 还 很 高 兴 因 为 是 一 本
新 书 ! 没 想 到 刚 出 不 久 的 书 就 能 在 图 书 馆 里
找 到 (: 这 是 一 本 跟 旅 游 有 关 的 书 。 。 。 。
YES 933 DJ 巫 许 玛 莉 写 的 第 一 本 书~ “自 由 自 载 ”
我 却 忘 了 一 干 二 净 ! 真 够 猪 啊 xO
本 来 不 打 算 想 起 跟 “旅 游 ” 有 关 的 事 。 。 。 。 。
但 ,不 借 都 借 了 。 。 现 在 还 是 乖 乖 去 读 吧 ! ):
待 会 才 告 诉 大 家 这 本 书 好 看 吗 。 。 。 。
对 了 ! 我 听 说 我 找 了 很 久 的 “ 佐贺的超级阿嬷”
就 会 在 戏 院 上 映 了 ! =]]
他 们 把 这 故 事 改 编 成 电 影 ! 好 兴 奋 啊 ! xD
好 了 , 我 去 看 书 了 !
(omg! sound like cbleh guai litat! x)))
Monday, September 17, 2007
[10:38 PM]
i'm tired @.@....
On tis cold cold nite,in my small small rm..
i look at e bright bright stars in e dark dark sky n
drEam of uR sweet sweet smiLe on ur cute cute face!
gdnite! sweetdreams =]]
[10:08 PM]
More Fun Quizzes at
wahahahahaha! like my hair!!!!
[10:03 PM]
More Fun Quizzes at
omg! lolx!
[9:56 PM]
More Fun Quizzes at
[4:23 PM]
szehui: hey. i back thn u gone hahahas.
szehui: mornzz. i do math do till wanna peng le..>/<
szehui: hiiiii. i cum back again haha. gonna study liao bye.
szehui: ahhh.
szehui: mornz!! the weather is v good today haha.
szehui: gd nitez and bye
[1st] yalor.. always litat! afternoon! haha..math jue do jue luan @.@
so guai day abit hot lor xD byee n take care n jia you =]]
YiYi~Lun<3: YO! hello! long time no see. haha how's ya?
[yiyi] hellooo! i'm fine =]] wat bout u? take care ok?!
skk: hello! baby i miss you!
skk: printing the stupid pt now...print dao so luan la xD
skk: byebye! <3
skk: helloooooooooooooooooo
skk: omg i just finished printing my history pt la >.<
skk: so late le...haha...but finally finished la (:
skk: i didn't mug maths tonight ): but i did mug some in still okay la xD i guess =/
skk: okay i go zzz le...goodnight! sweetdreams! see you in dl!
skk: <3
skk: hello! hughug! muacks! byebye! xD
skk: morning! haha xD
skk: i miss you <3
skk: haha (:
skk: BABY! =]
[skk] helloooo baby!!! i miss you too! oh u like took yrs 2 finish hist pt lor..lolx!
wow..didn't mug still can score 38/40! o.O *muacks* ke late then zzz ):
hughug! muacks! afternoon baby=]] oh ..tis x u nvr repeat same tag lor..haha !
veronica: im feeling crappy
[verno] yyy? lolx! i thought u always re lor =P
thanks 4 tagging (:
[2:46 PM]
haha..i'm back!!!
back in 1 piece okie!!! (:
some flashback bout e earthquakes in sumatra!!!!
on 12th of sept...
i reached bintan around 5pm+ then i went 2 e office str8 from e jetty..
i 4got bout e x le ..erm bout 6pm+ ba?
i was at my desk writing...then suddenly i felt dizzy O.o
then e floor jiu start 2 shake!!!
i stone there...damn gong..then i start hearing my colleagues screaming "earthquake"!!!
my legs like stick 2 e ground litat ..haha..cannot move..
then tt idiot tony damn fast jiu drag me out of there le!
ok..i did thank him lor !
ok..we went out of e building ..e quake last for awhile nia but 2 x tt day! ):
so jonney asked all e staff 2 go home !
after tt we listen 2 news from radio then we noe tt sumatra, bengkulu veing t+h earthquakes! scary can!!!
a magnitude of 8+ !!! can u imagine??? )X
e city of bengkulu is damn luan now )=
we re lucky cos some part of bintan dun feel e shake at all u noe??
i'm lousy at geo ! i dunno which part my office is lor..north or south or wat sai la ???
but i heard some of my colleagues said we re close 2 sumatra..?? dunno la..
then e nxt day we went back 2 wk lor..but our building damn Suay can!!!
cos our internet de netwk got prob =.=
so bout 2 days can't use internet ..means cannot read emails n blog )::::!!!! scary jiu dui le la !!! ):
i had nitemare too!
i scare i die in my dream )+
scare scare scare cannot come back lor )x
n of cos i miss all of u n u =]]
haha..i kena shake dao abit gong gong liao lor @.@
n my mom keeps asking me 2 come back too..haha..she scare i die there lor!
oh..i took e ferry also damn scare lor..suay suay e tsunami qi siao lai jiu die lor )xxx
omg! i dun feel like gtg back le ):
*oh..i think is a gd excuse 4 me 2 apply leave le !!! x)
i noe la..some pp damn damn enjoy in bintan lor..hor?
different from where i wk de lor )=
not fun de la ...then onli can c industrial park de lor...
no beautiful beautiful wat fountain no no no !!!!
aiya..dunno wat 2 blog le..haha..
oh ya..2day is my bro's bday!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 AH YONG!!! =]](we dun call each other kor or mei if he got read my blog litat =.=)
anyway all e best in ur career n bu yao zai yi zhi change gfr liao la =.=
then temper mus gai yi gai lor..haha
erm..then dun always ask me 2 do tis n tt 4 u lor..
dun be so "da nan ren " lor..
omg! u got tons la..damn "gd" characters la =.=
ok la..i start 2 tok rubbish le x)))
cya later =]]
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
[12:41 PM]
YAY! kukudoll !
[12:17 PM]
A Day Without YouA day without you,
Is a day without me,
For you make me who I am,
And who I want to be.
A day without you,
Is a day without light,
For you light up my sky,
And you light up my life.
A day without you,
Is a day without sound,
For I open my ears,
To hear you around.
A day without you,
Is a day without cheer,
For you make me smile,
And you don't cause a tear.
A day without you,
Is a day without sight,
For you open my eyes,
And make my world bright.
(not onli a day ok! ):
I Missed YouToday I thought about you
and I realized something.
I felt like a part of me was missing,
and I discovered it was you.
We're so comfortable with each other,
and we don't have to think about
what we say, or how we say it.
I missed that today. I missed you.
I thought of the times when we
shared our dreams, our laughter,
~ and you really listened.
I missed that today. I missed you.
Remembering your smile,
and how you made me smile ~
created a smile.
I love how being just who we are is enough.
I missed that today. I missed you.
And so, as you go through your busy day,
and I go through mine,
please know that you often cross my mind,
and I missed you today. I missed you.
(not onli missing u everyday ):
I am Missing You In the morning when I wake up,
And I open up my eyes.
I feel an aching in my heart,
That’s when I realize.
How much I really miss you,
And long to have you near.
My heart is filled with sadness,
And my eyes are filled with tears…
At different times throughout the day,
I find I’m missing you,
And I wonder if, perhaps a bit,
Maybe you miss me too…
I can’t help it that I worry,
And I wan to put you in my arms.
I think by now i wan to say,
That I miss you very much…
I miss all the times we shared,
And you know I truly care.
In my dreams I call out your name,
My heart will always be there with you..
(i missing u.....)
[11:18 AM] notti lor..dun wanna look at me >.<
still dun wan 2 look at me =.=
[11:12 AM]
haha..ytd went jogging saw "donna" again ! (:
so happy can ! took some pic again but she so notti ..
dun wanna look at me ..haha..
she wanna follow me home can! so cute =)
ok..gtg off at 3pm ba? around there lor ):::::
anyway remem 2 mugggggggggggggggg x)
byeeee n take care !!!!
i miss u!
i love u baby!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
[9:36 PM]
omg! so happy can! lolx!
i think i qi siao happy doing all those quiz xD
veron where u get all these quizs from huh?
omg! ni zhen bang ! xD
1. Is anyone mad at you? - guess so ba? (mus tell me y la)
2. When was your last kiss? - huh? wat last? every now n then lor !nvr end de (:
3. Who's the first person you'd call if you won the lottery?
- my mom
4. Do you have a fish tank in your house?
-omg! y mus u remind me of tt "FISH" again ):
5. What is your ring tone?
- lian ai peng lu !
6. Do you delete people on MySpace when you're mad at them?
- no
7. What color is your pillowcase?
- omg! i dun use pillow if tt mickey mouse counted x)
8. Nearest green object?
- wall =.= (i hate green..make me think of snake x.x)
9. What color shirt are you wearing?
- pink (:
10. Who do you trust the most?
- every1 lor's y i damn easy kena cheated lor )x
11. What color is your phone?
- white ( i dun like..i hate white=.= )
12. What's on your tv?
- huh? as in wat thing? nth lor ?.?
13. Do you forgive people easily?
- DAMNNNNNNN easy lor x(
14. What did you do today?
- siao many thing lor..all list out arh? ok lor..erm..
da bian,xiao bian,eat,drink,bathe,blog,tag,sent fax,send n write
invoice,jog,watch tv,do quiz,sms,chat on msn/hp/p....=.=
15. Last person to IM you?- shanx (:
16. Last person to comment you?
- dunno
17. Who do you text the most?
- ming zhi gu wen =.=
18. Could you find an umbrella in your house if you needed one?
- of cos la..damn lots ok!
19. Last song you heard?
- tt' y u go away );
20. Want any tattoos you dont have?
- ya! i wan lor ..haha
21. Are you wearing a belt?
- no
23. Last text in your inbox?
- *bleah*
24. Last thing you broke?
- cant remember
25. Do you smoke?
26. Last present you received?
- toopid skirt but return back le x)
27. Anything on you hurt?
- erm..hurt wat thing? my butts n stomach n knees hurt la x)
28. Have you ever been to
- no
29. Quote something:
- "I ve u. A lover n a friend. u're everything I need. u're e sun, e air I breathe. Without u, life wouldn't be e same. Ps don't ever go away. n if u go, then don't 4get 2 take me with u." =]]
30. Ever do something really awful to someone?
- guess so ba xP
31. Last thing you ate?
- rice ! i hate rice x{
32.Plans for tomorrow?
- dun remind me of tmr ): saddddddddd
33. Anyone in the room with you?
- yes! kukudoll =]]
34. Miss anyone?
- of cos la !
35. Know someone that's lying to you?
- i dunno but i wan 2 noe lor ):
36. Walmart, Kmart, or Target?
- si mi mart la ?
37. How close did you ever come to getting a nose ring?
- haha..think b4 xP
38. Anything you wish you were doing right now?
- oh hugging n muacking my baby :)
39. Talking to anyone right now?
- yes..myself ! =P
40. Bought anything recently?
- juice?
41. Whose birthday is next?
- my bro =.= tis mth! oh no..nxt wk!!!
42. Next time you plan on drinking?
- i dont plan.
43. Fondest memory of your childhood?
- so kuku n cute lor :D
44. What are you compulsive about?
- dunno
45. Anything you'd change that happened in the last 2 weeks?
- oh maybe ba?
46. Markers or crayons?
- ok la..anything...markers
47. Where's your phone?
- in my bag!
finally done! last quiz b4 i gtg back tmr ):
[1:41 PM]
终 于 送 走 了 “七 月 ”。 。
时 间 过 得 真 快 , 转 眼 之 间 又 是 农 历 八 月 了 !
在 送 走 “七 月 ”的 前 一 天 , 哥 告 诉 妈 和 我 ,
他 梦 到 爸 爸 了 !
这 是 他 在 爸 爸 过 世 后 , 第 一 次 梦 到 他 !
他 说 接 到 爸 爸 的 电 话 , 爸 爸 说 肚 子 很 饿 ,
想 吃 面 。 。 。叫 哥 跟 他 买 两 包 云 吞 面 和 "糯 米 鸡"!
我 的 天 啊 ! 两 包 云 吞 面 ? ! !
他 虽 然 胃 口 大 但 也 从 没 饿 到 要 吃 两 碗 云 吞 面 。 。
真 的 这 么 饿 吗 ?
我 们 三 人 , 你 看 我 、 我 看 你 的 。 。
我 想 我 该 懂 妈 的 意 识 , 妈 怕 爸 爸 在 吉 隆 坡 没 得 吃 !
而 哥 哥 就 不 怎 么 相 信 这 些 梦 境 , 他 说 。 。 。 。
“就 算 你 真 的 买 , 他 吃 到 吗 ? ”
我 们 静 了 静 都 没 回 答 他 。 。 。 。
过 后 妈 妈 晚 上 便 进 房 找 我 , 她 说 。 。 。 。
“我 看 反 正 你 在 家 不 如 明 天 你 去 买 云 吞 面 拜 拜
他 好 吗 ? ”
我 当 然 说 好 啦 ! 我 便 问 妈 妈 。 。
“真 的 要 买 两 包 吗 ? ”
妈 妈。 。 。 “ 神 经 啊 ! 买 一 包 就 可 以 ! ”
哈 哈 , 我 还 以 为 真 的 叫 我 买 两 包 啦 !
于 是 昨 天 中 午 我 买 了 面 和 “糯 米 鸡 ”也 顺 便 买
了 些 金 银 纸 便 到 楼 下 拜 拜 他 。 我 觉 得 怪 怪 的
因 为 人 家 都 在 拜 “好 兄 弟 ”而 我 地 上 却 放 着 云 吞 面
和 “糯 米 鸡 ”! =.=
哎 呀 。 。 我 心 里 很 清 楚 爸 爸 未 必 会 吃 到 !
难 道 他 大 老 远 特 地 从 吉 隆 坡 “飞 ”到 新 加 坡 吃
这 两 样 东 西 吗 ?
但 不 拜, 心 里 总 是 怪 怪 的 。 。
就 这 样 。 。 顺 便 叫 爸 爸 保 佑 妈 妈 身 体 健 康 、
保 佑 哥 哥 顺 利 还 有 我 越 来 越 瘦 xP 。 。 。 。
没 有 啦 ! 保 佑 我 健 康 啦 ! 哈 哈 !
我 好 久 没 梦 到 您 了 ):
难 道 你 把 我 忘 了 吗 ?
你 快 快 来 梦 里 和 我 聊 天 吧 !
希 望 您 在 “那 里 ” 过 得 好 , 请 保 重 !
[12:17 PM]
random pic xD another bottle of juice 2 go =.=
Monday, September 10, 2007
[10:25 PM]
You Are 29% Vain |
Okay, so you're slightly vain from time to time, but you're not superficial at all. You are realistic. You know that looks matter. You just try to make them matter less. |
[10:11 PM]
oh tis is e 500 post ! (not including e old blog x)
You Are a Carousel |
You are young at heart and a truly playful person. No one would ever accuse you of taking life too seriously.You are definitely in things for the fun. You find joy easily, and you are often building up anticipation for your next adventure.In relationships, you tend to want to be babied and taken care of.And while you may be a bit high maintenance, you are incredibly loyal. Your life is simple and satisfying. Each day you treat yourself to something you enjoy.You have a lot of emotional attachments, and experiences are extra vivid to you.You tend to be nostalgic and sentimental. The past is important to you.Comfortable around all living things, you have a special connection to animals and children. At your best, you are whimsical, free spirited, and creative.Even if your schemes seem a bit strange, they usually work out wonderfully.At your worst, you are spoiled, demanding, and impossible to satisfy.You've been known to act like a brat if you aren't getting your way! |
[4:18 PM]
omg! 2day so suay lor ):
i was gtg 2 fry chicken wings hor n saw a damn big "male" de lizard!!!
how i noe he is male de arh?
u c e pic proof lor..cos so "se4" mus be male de la..haha..
no la..cos of e super BIG size =.=
actually i dun really scare lizard de lor..cos they'll run away when u throw sth at them
ma..they won't stay there de..
but tis toopid lizard hor!!!!!!!! sth wrong with his leg lor.."bai ka" de )X
so he yi zhi stay there..then i was suppose 2 cook ma cos i wanna cook early so can use
comp later toopid la ):
i keep dancing cha cha with him can!!!! )X
i *SCREAM* like hell man!!!
he so damn big n keeps wanna come near me litat =.=
i cook n look at him..cook n use rubber band shoot him but i lousy la..
nvr scare him away lor )X
he yi xia zi move 2wards my wok..yi xia zi move here n there )):
damn tt toopid lizard >.<
1st x scare dao litat !!!
some "BRAVE" PERSON still can laugh at me x..x!!!
nvm..asked me 2 ve fun with him horrrrrrr !!!!!!!!!
ok lor..2nite i should hughug him n zzz with him =P
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...cheyyyyyyy! i then dun 1 lor !!!
toopid lizard made me sweat lor..oh i think maybe i lost 0.03kg le xD lower abdominal still pain can !!!
finally n at last...
he jumped 2 e floor n dunno pao qu na li le ????
dun care la..
toopid lizard!
[4:08 PM]
i wanna use e stick 2 xia ta away lor )X
can u cccc...he is bout 11cm long !!! omg! *SCREAM*
look at his's y i noe he is "male" de!!! cos he keeps "se mi mi" look at me xP
toopid lizard dropped in2 sink..i think sth wrong with his legs !!! "bai ka"
[3:46 PM]
toopid lizard beside e wok =.= kena burn si then u noe lor x)
omg! he pa dao cardboard shang ..i so scare he jump in2 my "pool of chicken wings" lor )x
haha..ccc.. i used rubber band 2 shoot him x)) but i lousy shooter lor )=
CCC...he stay there 4 damn long ok =.=
oh..i so silly wanna use tt 2 frighten him =.-
[12:30 PM]
oh..i love gtg veron's blog cos got lots of bo liao's quiz
4 bo liao's person 2 do xP
1. be 2. karen 3. baby =]]
1. 2703 2. 0602 3. 0810
(omg! like 4D =.= haha..actually is more than 3 lor :)
1. blogging 2. drinking tt bloody juicen pee lor 3. sms-ing
oh ..i can't remem e title lor ..anyway chinese lor ..haha
1. chatting with baby :) 2. thinking of baby =)
3. tt 2 toopid idiots stop calling n fan me ):
1. tt's y u go away 2. liang zhi liang ren 3. si ben dao yue qiu
1. dad ): 2. ah ma 3. ?
1. anything 2. love? 3.
1. chatting 2. cooking 3. thinking of my baby =)
1. JAPAN )x 2. Egypt 3. Nepal
1. hong 2. szehui 3. eunice Q
1. bernie 2. jack 3. roi
1. McDonald ! 2. KFC 3. erm...dunno xP
1. PAP(kindergarden) 2. BHSE pri 3. Hua yi sec
1. ice lemon tea :) 2. milkshake 3. milo peng :P
1. wallet la 2. hp la 3. plastic bag !( lolx in case i vomit xP)
1. CK eternity 2. CD poison 3. Lancome Tresor
1. baby's bday :) 2. every mth de 6th (= 3. mom's bday !
done! shit..wanna pee again =.=
[12:20 PM]
tis is e juice i've been trying 2 drink from 11am till now
(12 25pm) =.=
[11:20 AM]
haha..i sort of crawl 2 my comp lor ..not joking okie!
e pain still there but not as bad as like lastnite le..
i tell u lastnite was like half dead ok!!! ):
who's fault 2 blame? ME la !!!
toopid la..nvr drink enough water lor! bam! myself )x
now still raining lor so nvr go 2 c doc la..
anyway i noe mus be "urine inflection" la )=
i always kena tt once in a blue moon de..
cos i damn scare 2 drink "plain water" !!!
feel like vomiting if u ask me 2 drink 1 glass within 3mins!
even no x limit..i also feel like vomiting lor ):
so i onli drink a glass of milo..2 glasses of orange juice n a bowl of soup per day! tt's it! somex jus drink "yi kou"plain water nia haha! serve me RIGHT!!! )::::
my lower part of my abdominal is killing me )x
lucky when i pee not pain lor..lastx pee also damn pain can!!!
now is like e bladder or dunno wat sai pain la !
lastnite was e worst man!Cramping in the pelvic area n back (kidney) n somewhere from e rite side of e stomach ,
slowly move upwards )x
omg! i so guai can..b4 10pm jiu lay in my bed le !
can't even move my butts =.=
can't even zzz ...
i took panadol twice, hope can at least stop e pain lor..
then i think i zzz n wk up..zzz den wk up dunno how many
damn X lor )=
until 4am+ den zzz dao 7am+ dun feel like getting out of my bed cos move nia jiu den pain x(
so jiu yi zhi tang dao 10 30am den move my butts, carry my
legs, crawl 2 get my hp..brush my teeth...come 2 blog lor!
oh..i went down 2 buy "cranberry juice"!!!
damn gd 4 dunno bladder or wat sai la..drink liao 'll pee
a lots de keep running in n out from e toilet la ):
damn regret lor ... regret nvr drink enough "bloody water"!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
[9:33 PM]
damn..wanna blog de..
but e pain's killing me >.<
suan le.
[1:37 PM]
c..i was so boring ytd
bo liao again =.=
[1:27 PM]
The Marbella
swimming pool
e function rm
e bday's boy
some random pics ..ytd client de son's bday =.=
Saturday, September 8, 2007
[9:48 PM]
我 时 常 会 觉 得 老 天 爷 让 我 们 来 到 这 人 间
却 又 忘 了 给 我 们 幸 福 !
好 像 今 天 我 到 了 顾 客 邀 请 的 生 日 舞 会 。 。
为 他 那 十 岁 儿 子 生 日 办 的 party, 就 在 那 一 刹 那 ,
我 从 那 些 小 孩 的 脸 上 看 到 了 “幸 福 ”!
他 们 手 上 拿 着 水 枪 到 处 乱 射 ! 玩 得 好 痛 快 。。哈 哈
连 我 也 不 放 过 x)
原 本 很 无 聊 的 我 。 。 看 着 看 着 也 被 感 染 到 了 !
结 果 我 的 牛 仔 裤 也 被 弄 湿 了 )x
无 所 谓 啦 。 。 大 家 高 兴 就 好 反 正 我 也 闷 得 很 x)
又 不 认 识 那 些 人。 。 但 又 没 办 法 得 去 应 酬 ):
大 人 都 在 谈 些 实 在 无 聊 的 话 题 !
不 是 。 。 “how's ur business?".."i change my car.."
"oh..last wk i went 2 canada.." =.=
wtv la @.@
够 闷 吧 ?
还 是 当 小 孩 好 。 。 无 忧 无 虑, 没 大 人 们 这 么 现 实 !
难 道 拥 有 富 裕 就 是 幸 福 吗 ?
也 许 对 每 个 人 而 言 幸 福 的 定 义 不 同 吧 ?
在 非 洲 的 人 有 一 碗 饭 吃 。 。 就 是 幸 福 了 !
躺 在 病 床 的 人,健 康 。 。 。 。就 是 幸 福 了 !
在 沙 漠 的 人 ,有一 口 水 喝 。。 就 是 幸 福 了 !
住 在 天 灾 的 国 家 , 生 活 不 受 威 胁 。 。 就 是 幸 福 了 !
在 恋 爱 的 人 , 你 爱 我 、 我 爱 你 。 。 。 就 是 幸 福 了 !
幸 福 到 底 是 什 么 呢 ?
幸 福 到 底 要 怎 样 衡 量 呢 ?
我 想 我 们 常 常 太 在 乎 , 于 是 失 去 了 。 。
太 想 要 , 于 是 一 无 所 有 。 。
得 到 了 , 不 懂 得 珍 惜 。 。
遇 到 爱 , 又 不 懂 得 爱 。 。
没 有 了 , 才 发 现 惋 惜 了 。 。
幸 福 本 来 就 没 得 衡 量 !
只 有 自 己 感 觉 得 到 。 。
懂 得 惜 缘 。 。 珍 惜 。 。 知 足 , 也 许 就 会 幸 福 吧 ? !
[8:03 AM]
bored..quiz again (x
1. You're holding a dinner party and can invite three famous people from the past or present; who would they be?
nvr thought of it..erm...JESUS , BUDDHA can ma?
or maybe ROMEO N JULIET?
2. You have the opportunity to question someone about something you've always wanted to know and receive a truthful answer; what would your question be?
Did i did sth wrong 2 make u angry with me ,tt's y u treat me so different now??
3. If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?
My AGE ba?!
4. If you could save other people's lives by completing an act that would lead to your own death, would you do it?
OF COS i'll!!!...also depending on who e person is.
5. Would you commit murder if you knew that you could get away with it?
NO..i rather die!
Friday, September 7, 2007
[10:36 PM]
haha...feeling abit bo liao so went 2 e web 2
read some stories...sad story ! ):
Boy: Baby, we need to talk.
Girl: Ricardo, what do u mean?
Boy: Something has come up...
Girl: What? What's wrong? Is it bad?
Boy: I don't want to hurt you, baby.
Girl: *Thinks* Oh my God, I hope he doesnt break up with me... I love him so much.
Boy: Baby, are you there??
Girl: Yeah, I'm here. What is so important??
Boy: I'm not sure if I should say it..
Girl: Well, you already brought it up, so please just tell me.
Boy: I'm leaving...
Girl: Baby, what are u talking about?? I don't want you to leave me, I love you.
Boy: Not like that, I mean I'm moving far away.
Girl: Why? All of your famliy lives over here.
Boy: Well, my father is sending me away to a boarding school far away.
Girl: I can't believe this.
[FATHER: (Picks up the other phone, interrupts & yells furiously
ERICA!, what did I tell you about talking to boys?!!!... Get off the damn phone!! (And hangs up).]
Boy: Wow, your father sounds really mad.
Girl: You know how he gets, but anyways, I dont want you to go.
Boy: Would you run away with me?
Girl: Baby, you know I would, I would do anything for you, but I
can't... You don't know what would happen if I did. My dad would kill me!
Boy: *Sad* It's okay.. I understand, I guess..
Girl: *Thinking*I can't believe what's going on.
Boy: I need to give you something tonite, because I am leaving on
flight 1-80 in the morning, so I need to see you now.
Girl: Okay, I will sneak out & meet you at the park.
Boy: Okay, I'll meet you there in 20 minutes.
[They meet at a nearby park, they both hug eachother. And he gives her a note.]
Boy: Here you go, this is for you. I gotta go.
Girl: *Tear* (Begins to cry.)
Boy: Baby, dont cry, you know I love you... But I have to go.
Girl: Okay (Begins to walk away.)
[They both go back home. And Erica begins to read the letter he gave her]
It says...
You probably already know that I'm leaving, I knew this would be better if I wrote a letter explaining the truth about how much I care about you. The truth is, is that I never loved you, I hated you so much, you are my bitch and dont you ever forget that. I never cared about you, and never wanted to talk to you, and be around you. You really have no clue how much I hate you. Now that I'm leaving I thought you should know that I hate you, bitch. You never did the right thing, and you were never there. I didnt think I could hate someone as much as I hate you. And I never want to see you, for the rest of my life, I will never miss kissing you like before, I never want to cuddle up, how we used to. I will not miss you and that's a promise. You never had my love, and I want you to remember that. Bitch, you keep this letter because this may be the last thing you have from me. Fuck, I hate you so much. I will not talk to you soon bitch... Goodbye.
- Ricardo"
[ Erica begins to cry, she throws the paper in tha garbage & crys for hours ]
... A day passes, she is sad, depressed and she feels so lonely... Then she gets a phone call....
Friend: How are you feeling?
Girl: I just cant believe this happened.. I thought he loved me.
Friend: Oh, about that. Ricardo left me a message. A few days ago. He told me to tell you to look in your jacket pocket or something...
Girl: Umm.. okay.
[She finds a piece of paper in the jacket,
It says:
"Baby I hope you find this before you read my letter. I knew your dad might read it, so I switched a few words...
Hate = Love
Never = Always
Bitch = Baby
Will not= will
.... I hope you didn't take that seriously because I love you with all my heart, and it was so hard to let you go thats why I wanted you to run away with me... -Ricardo"]
Girl: Oh my God! It's a letter.. Ricardo does love me!!, he must of slipped it into my pocket when he hugged me. I can't believe how stupid I am!!
Friend: lol Okay but I g2g... Call me later.
Girl: *happy*okay, bye, I'll be at home waiting for my baby to call me!
... Erica turns the T.V. on......
[Breaking news] "An airplane has crashed. Over 47 young boys died, we are still searching for survivors... This is a tragedy we will never forget, this plane was flight 1-80... it was on its way to an all boys boarding school..." the Reporter says.
[ She turns off the t.v. ... 3 days later, she kills herself, because of the fact that Ricardo was dead & she had nothing to live for... ]
... A day after that the phone rings. Nobody answers. It was Ricardo, he called to leave a message. "Its Ricardo, I guess you're not home so, I called to let you know that I'm alive, I missed my flight because I had to see you one last time. So, I hope your not worried. I am staying for good.
e end .
[9:06 PM]
oh i found tis disgusting video from utube !
o.O damn super jialat de..not trying 2 insult tis auntie
la..jus wanna warn "ourselves" ...mus be more careful
n beware of our behaviour lor!
cos nowadays hp n camera everywhere..u won't noe 1 day
u'll become "famous star" in utube lor..xDDDD
do u ve any comments on pp "tou pai"??
haiz..dunno la..
pp got own privacy ma..anyway tt's public hor??
lolx! dunno la.."tou pai" jiu shi bu dui lor X(
i'm getting so irritating lor >.<
toopid la..cannot post e video here!!!
so go here n c.....
(hopefully she is not ur relative lor xP)
i'm not insulting her ok..jus 2 let u all noe..
there's trap everywhere so yao xiao xin!
[3:01 PM]
What color of shirt are you wearing?
Blue: cool
Brown: dirty
Pink: preppy
White: fresh
Red: happy
Purple: boring
Black: evil
Green: kind
Orange: weird
Gray: gorgeous
How are you feeling now?
Mad: girl
Happy: pilot
Bored: cheerleader
Pissed: gorilla
Killing: geek
Hyper: rock star
OK: opera singer
Hot: janitor
No comment: terrorist
What month does your birthday fall on?
January: with a killer smile
February: with a big heart
March: with a big hat
April: that is beating up a guy
May: who ran for vice president
June: that is on the phone
July: who is your lucky charm
August: with a nice phone
September: wearing big pants
October: who is special
November: dancing under the rain
December: with small eyes
repost this as "i'm a ___"
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
[7:21 AM]
morni :)
i kuku la..i dinno e quiz suppose 2 tok bout e person
tt asked u 2 do de xD
so veron wan me 2 do again xP
here u're =D
The person who tagged me is: skk. shall put veron?
(dui ma?)
Your relationship with her is: msn's friend!
5 impressions you have of her: erm...1)emo 2)emo
3)emo 4)emo 5) dun like boys xD (c i so nice..should be all emo xD )
The most memorable thing she has done for you:
omg! did u ? lolx! oh ya..scolded tt idiot's pp 4 me on my
tagb =P
The most memorable words she has said to you:
got ma? erm..thank you lor..haha
If she becomes your lover, you will: qi siao @.@
If she becomes your lover, things she has to improve on will be: nvr happen de la..lolx!
If she becomes your enemy, you will: dun think it'll happen !
If she becomes your enemy, the reason will be: she qi siao lor !
The most desirable thing you want to do for her now is:
take away her "emo" haha..
Your overall impression of her is: EMO, siao cha bor ,like 2 kan cha bor (lolx),lonely,care n tok bout e person she love NIA(jkjk)oh..can die 4 e person she loves too?rite ma? HAHAHA
oh ya..1 more thing, she is gd at repeating story xD cos she
won't "4get" any part de (no matter when it's happen lor =P)
n e story won't become shorter..
it'll become more interesting n longer..lolxXXXXXXX ! xP
is tt all ? veron ..litat dui bu dui? haha..e rest dun nid 2 do lor,
i done b4 liao ma..haha..
Monday, September 3, 2007
[10:01 PM]
haha..delay 1 more day..
tmr gtg back at 12 pm+.+
cos jus now rain dao damn jialat..e ferry cancel..
delay but my uncle kan dao those boats n ferries "shake"
dao damn jialat , he scare i'll die as in e ferry 'll sink litat =.=
lolx! then he said better dun go back la...haha..
but i'm not tt happy bout tt lor cos means tt i can't be back
on 6th le ):
haiz..sorry baby x_x
so i post here in advance okie? haha..
[9:13 PM]
first put a +6593
Here's your new digits:
1st number, put what you are
1- gay
2- taken
3- single and what ever happens,happens
4- single
5- secret
6- single but like someone
7- taken and confused
8- single and unavailable
9- have lost all hope0- single confused the fcuk of
2nd number, put your current Mood
1- Nervous
2- Bored
3- Confused
4- Just fine
6- Hyper
7- Annoyed
8- Angry
9- Tired0- Happy
3rd number is The color of your shirt
1- Black
2- Pink
3- Red
4- Orange
5- Blue
6- Green
7- Yellow
8- Brown
9- White
0- Other
4th Number is the month you were bornin
1- jun.aug
2- march
3- feb
4- jul
5- jan
6- april
7- dec.
8- Oct.nov
9- may.
0- sept.
5th Number is your Favorite Color
1- Black
2- White
3- Pink
4- Blue
5- Green
6- Red
7- Orange
8- Yellow
9- Purple
0- Other
Last number is your Sign
1- Aries
2- Virgo
3- Sagittarius
4- Cancer
5- Leo
6- Taurus
7- Libra
8- Aquarius
9- Gemini or Capricorn0- Scorpio or Pisces
Post this with your new number in 5minutes and something good will happento you.
so mine is +6593 240211 =]]
[7:28 AM]
veron sabo-ed me but i told her i do b4 le...
she said.." do again lor.."
haha..ok lor..but still e same person la but i'll give different
ans lor =D
The person who tagged me is: skk (:
Your relationship with her is: my mitang honey sweetheart
darling superkukuhead cute cute de baby boyfriend =)
5 impressions you have of her: 1)superkuku but smart
2)guai 3)cool 4)artistic 5)like 2 shake xP
The most memorable thing she has done for you: doing sth
tt dun dare 2 do it at 1st lor =)
The most memorable words she has said to you: oh..still e
magic words...i love you, wo ai ni, i miss you..watever u say
2 me ..all dou shi memorable words :D
If she becomes your lover, you will: i'll love her damn damn
much lor (:
If she becomes your lover, things she has to improve on will be: dun always sick(as if like can control xP) dun zzz too much !(jk) mus be more jealous !(lolx!)
If she becomes your enemy, you will: commit suicide ! x(
If she becomes your enemy, the reason will be: none ! dunno!
The most desirable thing you want to do for her now is:
take away all e virus from her if got any...take away all e
stress if ve lor..take away all e emo mood if there's any..
wan her 2 be happy 4ever ! jus do watever tt can make her
smile ..happy :)
Your overall impression of her is: so in love with me lor ! xP
(so ego again lor..ahaha)
How you think people around you will feel about you: great!
(lolx! ego again! )
The characteristic you love about yourself is: friendly, cheerful, caring n i so smart 2 love a kuku-er =}
On the contrary, the characteristic you hate about yourself is:
jealousy lor ):
The most ideal you want to be is: be baby de baby 4ever x)
For people that care and and like you, say something to them:
thanks so much..i'll always be there 4 u all too..
believe in miracle =)
Pass this quiz to ten people that you wish to know how they feel about you..
haha..wan 2 do jus do lor (:
i told u lor..ans 'll be different lor ..xD
Sunday, September 2, 2007
[9:27 PM]
haha..evening went jogging!
2day weather ok not v hot ..haha..
then actually almost everyx i'll kan dao tis auntie with
her doggie :)
wo hen xiang touch tis dog lor but auntie looks fierce lor
so everyX jiu bu gan "touch" )x
then jus now feel like "tou pai" lor..haha..
i so lousy can x) "tou pai" dao so no standard lor..haha
then in e end...jog wan last round jiu gan gan walk near
doggie n said..."auntie..ta hen guai hor?"
oh ..auntie damn friendly can ! :)
auntie said .." yalor..hen guai de !"
so i asked how old is e dog n wat's her name?
"Donna" ! haha..n is 10yrs+ le..consider old dog !
Donna so guai can! i sayang her n she jus guai guai let me
"mo" x) then auntie said everynite Donna 'll pei her come
here n stroll lor guaiiiiiiiiiiii ..haha..
yay! nxt x i can go jogging with Donna le..haha..
lousy la..dunno how 2 "tou pai" =.=
in e end...i make friend with "Donna"!
she so notti lor..dun wan 2 look at me x)
[9:21 PM]
haha..they jus paint tis "123456" not long ago!
0602 <3
[10:56 AM] so guai lor!
mugging on e bed!(: