Monday, April 30, 2007
[12:54 PM]
Finally n at last...1000 posts in DEan's forum!!! =]]
YAY! Finally "1000" posts in e forum! (:
I'll con't 2 post (=
so mus all of u ..haha..
all e best to DEAN !!!
all e best to DEAN's FANS !!!
celebrate !!!! cheers!!! x)
oh ya..I jus realize tat forum changed "senior fans" to "crazy fans" !!!???
huh? means wat? means I siao arh?? omg! so paiseh can @.# !
[8:10 AM]
雨 能 让 我 看 到 真 实 的 自 己 。 。从 前 一 到 下 雨 天 , 我 就 会 跑 到 窗 前 看 着 一 滴 一 滴
掉 落 的 雨 水 然 后 我 会 把 手 升 到 窗 外 去 。 。 。
天 真 的 我 想 抓 住 每 滴 雨 水 , 但 每 次 都 从 手 中 滑 落
不 过 , 触 摸 雨 水 的 感 觉 真 的 有 够 爽 的 。 。 哈 哈 !
它 给 我 一 种 说 不 出 的 真 实 感 。 。
感 觉 碰 到 它 的 人 都 再 也 无 法 对 它 有 所 隐 藏 。 。。
好 像 面 对 着 它 时 , 内 心 深 处 所 有 的 一 切 都 会 一 一 的 表 露 出 来 !
雨 天 常 让 人 回 忆 往 事 、 让 人 伤 感 。 。
但 现 在 的 我 尽 量 保 持 心 情 开 朗 。
我 可 以 似 乎 每 天 聆 听 很 多 很 多 朋 友 的 心 事 及 诉 苦
我 从 不 会 感 到 厌 烦 因 为 我 知 道 当 一 个 人 遇 到 困 绕 时 , 他 在 这 个 时 候 身 边 最 需 要 的 是 。 。 一 个 可 靠 的 聆 听 者 !也 许 自 己 是 过 来 人 吧 !
小 时 候 没 人 聆 听 过 我 的 心 事 , 我常 把 心 事 和 不 愉 快 的 事 情 往 肚 子 里 吞 ! 吞 着 , 吞 着 也 就 习 惯 了 。
所 以 到 了 雨 天 总 喜 欢 对 着 雨 水 , 只 要 对 着 它 , 不 需 要 开 口。 。 不 需 要 任 何 言 语 , 雨 就 能 平 复 我 心
中 的 忧 愁 ! 好 神 奇 啊 ! 似 乎 只 有 在 雨 的 面 前 才 能 找 到 真 正 的 我 !
遇 上 晴 天 时 , 那 可 惨 了 。 。 我 无 法 像 热 烘 烘 的 太
阳 诉 苦 ! 渐 渐 地 我 明 白 到 人 必 须 把 心 里 压 抑 着 的
心 事 或 烦 恼 给 掏 出 来 ! 必 须 说 出 来 , 才 能 减 压 。
至 于 说 给 谁 听 呢 ? 那 就 由 你 自 己 来 决 定 了 。
其 实 说 真 的 , 聆 听 的 对 象 很 重 要 ! ! !
为 甚 么 呢 ?
因 为 这 个 人 的 回 应 或 许 会 对 你 有 很 大 的 帮 助 ,
也 有 可 能 会 误 导 你。 。 。 。
因 为 在 那 时我 们 是 最 脆 弱的 !
朋 友 , 不 管 怎 样 。 。 任 何 的 劝 告 和 见 解 ,
请 把 它 当 成 提 议 , 最 后 的 决 定 。 。 还 是 要 靠 自 己 !
不 过 安 慰 和 鼓 励 的 话 要 切 记 !
因 为 这 些 鼓 励 的 话 往 往 就 是 在 无 形 中 推 动 着 你 向
前 进 的 理 由 ! 不 要 再 把 自 己 锁 在 深 坑 里 , 把 门 打
开 吧 ! 总 会 有 一 个 人 愿 意 做 您 的 聆 听 者 的 。 。 。 。
不 要自 己 一 个 人 停 留 在 原 地 钻 牛 角 尖 !
我 很 喜 欢 这 句 话 “put urself in2 pp's shoes" .....也 就 是
“设 身 处 地 为 他 人 着 想 ” 。
真 的, 以 前 不 了 解 它 的 意 识,后 来 却 爱 上 了 这 句 话
凡 事 为 他 人 着 想 , 生 活 才 不 会 有 太 多 冲 突 。
可 是 有 人 会 不 赞 同 我 的 说 法 , 无 所 谓 , 人 各 有 志 !
我 凡 做 每 件 事 , 想 到 的 是 别 人 先 而 不 是 自 己 !
有 人 会 认 为 , 为 何 要 这 么 辛 苦 , 为 别 人 而 活 呢 ?
我 必 不 认 为 这 么 做 会 有 什 么 辛 苦 之 处 ? !
反 而 觉 得 很 舒 服 。 。 因 为 你 会 考 虑 到 别 人 的 苦 衷
与 心 情、 等 等 。 。
这 样 一 来 就 不 会 对 某 些 事 或 人 耿 耿 于 怀 ,
不 会 耿 耿 于 怀 , 就 会 宽 宏 大 量 , 会 宽 宏 大 量 ,
生 活 就 会 过 得 快 乐 , 会 快 乐 , 就 会 开 心 。 。
哈 哈 。 。 。 不 知 道 在 胡 扯 什 么 。 。 哈 哈 !
算 了 , 当 作 我 在 “念 经 ”吧 ! 阿 弥 陀 佛 !
Sunday, April 29, 2007
[9:40 PM]
forgive ....
I always telling pp 2 4give ..4give friends, 4give siblings,4give parents, 4give enemy ...4give watever!
whenever toking bout 4giveness..onli 1 person 'll appear in my mind! n tis person , of cos is my dad! y I been saying so many x tat I'm not gtg 2 tok bout it anymore but yet...yet..I keep repeating it x(
cos last nite..u came 2 my dream again (:
so y mus it always be at our old house huh??
isit cos u miss tat place ?
or isit all those happy n sad memories re stuck there??? too..I think I'll nvr ever 4get e x we spend there,
thou mostly dou shi unhappy de memories =(
after u left me in my dream..I woken up with those unhappy
scene..flashing in my mind again :(
sigh...I won't tok bout tat again..
daddy, didn't I tell u..I've 4give u damn long ago alr???
y u keep appearing in tat old house n with all those bad things
u did ..brought it with u 2 my dream again?
or should I say..I'm e 1 who keep saying "4giving u" but I'm
actually still holding 2 it ?!
did I really 4give u?
I think I DID!!!
yea..I DID, daddy!!! u've 2 believe me !!!
ok..I admit, I hated u when I was 16 ! ..hated u when e day u
left me, kor n mom! as 4 all those yrs, mom stayed so strong!
but I noe, deep inside of her..actually was vvv weak!
I noe mom always broke in2 tears but she dun wanna let us noe, dun wanna let us see..
yea, whenever I saw her crying..make me hate u more!
but I hate myself more cos I'm so damn soft-hearted..
whenever I face heart turns soft..I kinda feel like
betraying my mom !!! I feel being "liang tou she" ...
I'm tat kind tat couldn't live with hate de, I needed 2 4give my Dad...n so I did n was b4 he passed away! unlike my kor,
4give him AFTER his death x( until now, I dunno whether my kor regretted anot..cos 2 me is like somehow 2 LATE!
haiz..e moment I saw dad, he was laying there..really can't
believe tat he had left us all of e sudden! He nvr wait 4 us...
n we couldn't reach there in x... fate la..hen yi han!!!
zhen de hen yi han, lai bu ji kan ning zui hou yi mian!
I think tis is my onli regret! 4 wat I c from my kor..I dun think he regret at all! sigh...
I think we mus 4give in order 2 stay happy lor!
Ithink no matter how gd a friend or even some1 tat is close 2 u, they're gtg 2 hurt u every once in awhile n you must learn 2 4give them bo life 'll be damn miserable rite??
human tends 2 make mistake I think 1 should 4give!
Somehow isn’t forgiving a really difficult thing to do?. .
I guess wat every1 wan more than anything else is 2 be loved..
not 2 be hate! so if we wanna pp 2 love us...we mus let go of
those hate inside 1st..I think we should practice more of it lor....try 2 4give pp ba! (=
Quote of e day...4give~Always 4give ur enemies,nth annoys them so much~
~One of e most lasting pleasures u can experience is e feeling tat comes over u when u genuinely forgive an enemy - whether he noe it or not.~
~Be gentle with urself, learn 2 love urself, 2 4give urself, 4 only as we ve e right attitude 2ward ourselves then we ve e rite attitude 2ward others.~
~It takes a strong person 2 say sorry, n an ever stronger person 2 forgive.~
ok..crapping again..haha..
now mus go 2 bed le..thou I still think sleeping is a waste of
X lor..haha..
after wat I've blogged..I feel so great..yay!
yea..mus 4give ...ok?! lolx!
oh ya...I LOVE U , DADDY!!!
<3 !
Saturday, April 28, 2007
[11:33 PM]
Quote of e day..happy!~ When 1 door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at e closed door tat we do not see e 1 which has opened 4 us.~
~Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, n e word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better 2 take things as they come along with patience n equanimity.~
~We tend 2 forget tat happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we dun ve, but rather of recognizing n appreciating wat we do ve.~
~The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. ~( tis really wks on me (: )
lol! nites ..sweetdreams..
[10:09 PM]
oh I love tis song =]]
haha..but sounds abit emo..??
nvm xing xing jiu can liao ..lolx!
mood: (:
ermmm..2day is happy de lor (=
begin with where I hang around 2day.... haha
I meet my friends 1 30pm at vivo city !
we shop around 4 awhile..cbleh crowded lor x(
I went 2 e Jap rest !yay!
e motive 4 meeting 2day is 2 "gossip" lolx!
so we ate dao damn slow can..haha..
we ordered ice-cream n my friend, sharon said...
"Karen, ni de ice-cream yao man man chi hor.." lolx!
cos I'm damn famous 4 eating zui slow de yi ge!
I dunno y I makan damn slow de :( jiu damn super fast lor..haha
so ..yea..we yi mian chi yi mian jiang...from 2pm+ until like 6pm ! haha! u noe e waiter damn kns ma!!! he asked us wanna
"shun bian" eat dinner ma?
wowlao..he used e words "shun bian" !!!
my friend damn pai lor..she said "bo shun bian chi supper lor"
then jiu give a black face ..lolx!
after tat jiu went home liao lor..haha..
so here I'm blogging n chatting with 1st !
lolx! nth much le...haha!
<3 136
[9:08 AM]
Quote (raining..)~Be still, sad heart, n cease repining;
Behind e clouds e sun is shining; Thy fate is e common fate of all, In2 each life some rain must fall, Some days must be dark n dreary.~
~Now n forever my love will be e same.
I 'll be waiting underneath e pouring rain.~
~If u wan e rainbow, u've got 2 put up with a little rain.~
~Raindrops keep falling on my head
but tat doesn't mean my eyes will soon turning red ,crying 's not 4 me
Cos I'm nvr gonna stop e rain by complaining
because I'm free
Nth's worrying me~
~Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing,
wind braces up, snow is exhilarating;
there is no such thing as bad weather jus different kinds of gd weather~
ok..done !
yes..after reading some of it, I'm feeling better !
raining days make me miss u more (:
[8:32 AM]
omg! my msn really qi siao le ??!!!
I received msg thru e email instead from e window!!! so weird can!!!
all of e sudden so many mail coming in last nite! I din even noe tat my msn sign me out man =(
I thought y all e mail so weird de...
onli a few words nia...
I received from veron,jieying,pualine n shenli de...n hong??!
all of e sudden, I thought y so many pp email me..lolx! so guess is my msn screw up le x(
n now...I think my blog also sth wong le ..haiz.. cos all e post like overlapping de??!!!
blogger dun allow me 2 publish too xO
dunno u all can c tis post ma..?
everything qi siao !!! x(
fine! go ahead n qi siao !!! shit la!
n 2 e weather!!!!
u also qi siao!!! I noe I shan't scold u de...
cos when I was young ,my mama always say..
tian zui da! cannot scold e tian..scold liao our
mouth 'll become "yy" ! haha !
after blogging..guess my mouth 'll turn "yy" liao! lolx!
it seem like DEc 2 me..keeps raining n raining!
thou weather looks cool but hate it la :(
cold jiu cbleh cold, hot jiu cbleh hot!!!
nth 2 blog about liao..cos everything turns out like shit man! x(
gtg out at 1pm..bye!
Friday, April 27, 2007
[10:21 PM]
Quote of e day =]]
I ve so much 2 say,
cos my feeling grow each n everyday.
I think of u from dusk till dawn,
u hold a place in my heart tat I'll hold it tight.
when I close my eyes before sleeping,
I watch u in the dark.
When I'm sleeping ,
I watch u in my dreams.
When I open my eyes,
I found u before my eyes..
And then I start Missing u for all e Day again!
Wat lies behind us, n wat lies b4 us re tiny matters compared 2 wat lies within us. msn qi siao le )=
keep signing me out !!!
sorry..pek chek ...give up le!
nites n sweetdreams!
<3 !
[6:51 AM]
YAY! I finally saw 1 big n bright star * le !!!
<3 superkukuhead!
[12:14 AM]
2nite...another nite w/o stars X(
no mood la...try 2 zz now..
Be....stay strong !!!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
[10:27 PM]
hello! here 2 blog again..lolx!
I think I'm e onli 1 ah siao tat keeps blogging lor :P liao n bo dai ji jo ma (nth 2 do)
erm..I been thinking since like facing so many obstacles
I think life without any obstacles would cripple us. We would not be as strong as wat we could ve been lor!
lolx! an wei zi ji!!!
erm..I think I'll post some quote at e end of e day from 2day onwards le..haha!
y? u asking me y arh? no special reason lor...
u noe I v emotional de ma..lolx!
ok ...bu yao fei hua le....
Love quotes of e day
Love is missing someone whenever u're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because u're close in heart.
Last night , thinking of u, one tear rolled out,
I asked why re u out? Tear said there is someone so beautiful in ur eyes, now there is no place for me.
Even thou we like far apart,
Distance can nvr change e love I've 4 u
In my heart..I'm thinking of u...
haha..ok la..nites&sweetdream =]]
<3 noh ss!w I
[5:03 PM]
omg!!! do too much liao..feel like vomiting now =.=
[4:55 PM]
Your Birthdate: March 27 |
For you, love is a feeling that lingers for really long time - even after a relationship is totally over. In fact, you still make have strong feelings for the first person you fell in love with. You usually are reluctant to end relationships. And sometimes you're the last to know that things are ending!
Number of True Loves You'll Have: 5
Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 5
You are most compatible with people born on the 9th, 18th, and 27th of the month. |
[4:49 PM]
Your True Love Will Find You Eventually |
You definitely put yourself out there a little - but you could be doing more. If you're truly looking for love, try doing more things and meeting more people. You don't have to actively look for love, you just need to stay active. Be out there a little more, and the right person will find you! |
[4:34 PM]
Your Dating Purity Score: 86% |
You are an innocent dater. You're either lacking in dating experience or have had a long serious relationship. Either way, there's still plenty of fish in the sea out there for you to sample! |
[4:26 PM]
You Are Cookie Monster |
Misunderstood as a primal monster, you're a true hedonist with a huge sweet tooth.
You are usually feeling: Hungry. Cookies are preferred, but you'll eat anything if cookies aren't around.
You are famous for: Your slightly crazy eyes and usual way of speaking
How you life your life: In the moment. "Me want COOKIE!" |
I prefer 2 be elmo lor xD
[3:22 PM]
Your Love Quote |
Love is not a matter of counting the years --it's making the years count. |
[3:17 PM]
You Can Make 64% of Your Crushes Fall in Love With You |
Your seduction skills are practically legendary. You know how to close the deal. Just don't let someone you're really into get the better of you! As long as you keep up your end of the flirting game, you'll get the prize at the end. |
[3:10 PM]
You Probably Look Younger Than Your Age |
You live a healthy lifestyle and know how to take care of yourself.You'll probably have a youthful glow for many years. |
[12:13 PM]
haha..I'm back 2 blog again =]]
guess wat m I doing at e same x ?
guess la..haha..
I'm eating myojo instant mee hoon, searching
4 ecards,chatting with 1st n blogging!!!
wow! I cbleh li hai hor xD lolx!
e rain finally stopped (:
oh tis myojo instant mee hoon is lousy la..
damn not nice..lots of pepper spicy can!
dun ever buy n try hor xP
last nite my mom told me tat ben keeps calling
when I'm not around ):
my mom said nvr c a guy so luo suo b4 de!!!
told him won't be back by end of tis mth le,
he still call almost every nite =.=
my hp de msg getting lesser le..haha..onli 17 nia! 17 for 4days consider less le! last mth is like 8-12 per day lor *.* After I scolded him,
he send lesser le . I din really read it la, jus
browse thru nia...actually wanna delete n dun
bother 2 read at all de but...scare got imp msg
or watever la! haha!
I'm not gtg in2 detail on wat he sms me lor..
all those bo liao n rou ma de missing u n blah blah de msg nia..c liao also nvr "gan dong" lor.
lolx! wrong person ma..haha..
some x I guess , same words but come out from different pp de mouth..'ll ve different gan jue lor! rite? ok ..I finished my mee hoon le (:
brb..I take e bowl out 1st..lolx!
back! =)
damn full liao lor..hahaha!
I damn bo liao litat also can blog..wahaha..
bur I feeling damn happy as wat I always say, I love toking 2 my blog !!! :D
oh ya..jus now I read ytd de newspaper hor..
bout tat 14yrs old de girl drowned..u noe I read dao cry ler!!! x( so poor thing lor..haiz...
if is me , I sure die de cos I dunno how 2 swim
ler..dun laugh can!? damn paiseh lor..dunno
how 2 swim like cbleh paiseh lor..@.*
when I was young mom always bring
my bro n me 2 e pool but my bro vv suay de!
My mom expect him 2 teach me de but....
he keeps pressing my head in2 e water :{
everyx press dao I scream like hell lor !!!
He damn cruel can =." !!!
He pressed dao I scare of water can !=.=
Now not scare but my head dun dare 2 go in2
e water de..lolx! omg! be's secret ler!!! haha!
oh ya..toking bout tis...wanna ask u all a qs!
reply me on my tagboard lor..hehe!
tis qs damn lao tu de..dun scold me bo liao lor
haha..4 fun nia n wanna noe wat 'll u all do lor!? I think I did ask hong n jieying b4 liao?!
e qs is- who'll u save ,ur mom or ur "ai ren" if
they drop in2 e sea 2gether lor? lolx! can only
save 1 n dun tell me who also dun save lor..haha! wanna guess my ans ? haha!
ok..stop here liao..sayonara (:
[8:06 AM]
raining day...
morni =)
thou it's raining again but mood is so so lor..ha! suddenly gastric nia >.< shit..damn pain can!
last nite was chatting with 8windows !!! omg! I replied
damn slow can!! so sorry lor..tai jiu nvr chat on9 le
then jiu "ka lang ka bo" (shou mang jiao luan) lolx!
damn funny la..last nite my name was appeared in 2 person de blog lor..haha..1 said "sorry"
n e other 1 said"thank u" 2 me in their post..lolx!
To 1st- thanks 2 u too (:
actually I dun really mind u calling me "penguin" lor..haha! thanks 4 thanking me in ur blog..lolx!
dunno wat 2 thank liao..erm..thanks u 4 always tagging me!! haha!
To gl- lolx! dun nid 2 sorry la!! I nvr mad with u lor..u noe I like 2 tease u ma..haha! n u so guai, really blogged a happy post lor..haha! mus always stay
happy la :) so nice suppose 2 be zzz'ing de!
but e raindrops making lots of noise lor =(
cannot zzz "properly" lolx! I should go watch dvd friend jie wo de (=
2day 'll be quite free cos uncle went 2 m'sia 2 days ago
back at 2pm ba? so afternoon then got wk 2 do lor!
e nxt 3 days 'll be damn buz sia x(
fri 'll be gtg 2 meet clients with him at around 12pm
so e whole afternoon 'll not be at home ba?
sat afternoon meeting my friends at 1pm ! so 'll be back at evening ba?
sun morni maybe gtg 2 my aunt's house with my mom ba?
ok..update when I'm free :D
oh ya..exam is coming soon!
those taking exam de ...JIA YOU! MUG HARD! GOOD LUCK!
btw no stars de lor..):
<3 superkukuhead! jiayou!
[8:06 AM]
You Are 77% Grown Up, 23% Kid |
Congratulations, you are definitely quite emotionally mature. Although you have your moments of moodiness, you're usually stable and level headed. |
[8:01 AM]
Your Emoticon Is Smiling |
Right now, you're feeling cheerful and content - without a care in the world. |
[7:55 AM]
You Are Pretty Happy |
You generally have a happy, fulfilling life. But things could be a little better, and deep down, you know it.Maybe you need more supportive friends or a more challenging career.Something is preventing you from being totally happy. You just need to figure out what it is! |
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
[5:56 PM]
quiz sabo-ed by yiyi =)actually done b4 le..but nvm 'll do again..anyway I like doing all tis kinda quiz lor..hahacos I bo liao hor( I noe shinyi gonna say lor...if u dun believe u go compare e quiz udo now n b4 de..'ll be different lor! I noe 1 person de 'll 4ever same lor!!!lolx! cos u always say "I got no feeling de,no heart lor" haha!e quiz ans 'll be different cos human tends 2 change sad rite? no lor..cos can't help de, change doesn't meanno gd lor...I myself compare tis quiz..there's some changeslor! tat means we can't 4seem things n matter!!we won't noe wat is gtg 2 happen 2morrow??Human is so sickening lor..tis moment u re feeling like end of e world butu won't remem u had tis feeling after a yr later !
If u dun believe...ask urself now...
do u remem wat happen last yr de jin tian?
do u remem wat make u depress in yr 2000?
No lor..unless is sth tat really t+h de dai ji lor!
ok la..ask me 2 do quiz nia...I start nagging again..haha.. damn luo suo =(
1)The tagged victim will have to write down 30 people's name.
2)Answer the question according and the answers must come from your heart.
3)Tag 5 people to join this game.
1. superkukuhead =]]
2. gl
3. naomi
4. jieying
5. 1st
6. esscue
7. yun
8. jean
9. sandy
16.yiyi(e noti girl tat sabo-ed me xD)
20.Mr Jonney
28.dino(naomi’s doggie xP)29.Dean
What kind of person is (24)?
omg! Erm..boss ler..mus say gd la =.=
What would happen if u never met (26)?haha..erm..dunno wat'll happen lor..
my bro ler!
Would (7) and (21) make a good couple?
lolx! Bu ke neng la..Bernie + yun= ??
diff age n diff nationality lor!
What would happen if (17) confesses that he/she likes you?
LOL she always say “love me de lor” a friend
(29) handsome or pretty?
omg! Damn handsome n pretty can =D
Where did u meet (3)?
nvr meet b4 in e forum n comp lor!
Would you be in a relationship with (12)?
No la! Haha!
Would (10) and (19) make a good couple?
No la!! They dun even noe each other lor!
Where does (30) live? with me.. in my bed!!!
What kind of person is (20)?
haha..quiet but nice !
Who is (25) going out with?
Do you know any of (13)'s family members?noe..of cos dunno la..lolx
What would happen if u never met (1) and (2)?OMG! my life will be meaningless without them!!!
What is (11)'s nickname?
00 !!
Is (8) attractive?
OF cos la..she is chundan!
Is (22) single?
yes lar! haha
Would you ever fall for (27)?
LOL i'm so in love with her..4ever n ever!!
Describe (8).
she wears spec..she likes 2 wear XXXlarge tees …she like Dean N she is chundan!
Who does (28) likes?
oh..haha..all e pp in gohshinyi’s house except Naomi! xD
What is (15)'s last name?
Would (4) and (23) make a good couple?
NO!!! not jieying’s taste lor..haha
School of (16)?
Where did you first met (9)?
in dean’s forum!
Is (6) going out with anyone?
erm..yes bah?
What would happen if (1) and (30) become couples?
omg!! So zhun..lolX !!! they belong 2 each other lor xD
Describe (17).
omg! She is damn nice lor..pretty,sweet,
lovely,friendly..n always say’ I <3U
Would you ever be in a relationship with(1)? qs lor!!! my mom always say cannot
tell lies..lolx!...yes =]]
Would you ever be in a relationship with (11)?no la…we re gd friend!
Is (10) going out with anyone?
haha no lor.. she is vvv lonely la..lolx!
Is (18) handsome/pretty?
she's pretty!
Would (5) and (14) make a good couple?
No lor..they dun even noe each other !
Who is (14) out with?
Why is (24) and (19) put at that number?
no special reason la..can’t think of other pp le!
Who is (24) and (29) at urs?
omg! Damn zhun lor..they re father n daughter !
okay..I'm guai, I dun sabo pp lor!
whoever wanna do jiu do :)
[3:11 PM]
Back!Hello! I'm back again..
jus reach home nia jiu faster on comp le..haha..
no more fav 's blog 2 read le =(
I'll force myself 2 stay happy =)
I'll force myself 2 smile :)
I'll force myself 2 wk w)
I'll force myself 2 zz z)
I'll de so u mus too !!!
link back 2 those few days in Bintan...
My left forefinger died liao :{
I think zhen de sprained dao le ...
cos tat day help my coll shifting e cpu then
like suddenly sprain dao lor =(
nvr touch it still ok..once I carry things using
tat finger jiu damn pain sia !!!
like retarded liao...move rite 2 left also pain lor!
haiz..onli left 4 fingers nia ..lolx!
like damn scary la, I'll go c doc lor!
oh ya..last few days, I keep using Mr Jonney's
nephew de laptop ! He came 2 visit Mr Jonney
lor..young man, Sam from USA..age20+ bah??!
I noe u all wanna noe handsome ma..lolx!
ok la..handsome lor cos "half Jap & half ang mo" lor ..haha! Then tat few nite I borrow his
laptop n keeps using lor..haha..he always stand
behind me..hai wo dun dare 2 use...onli read
mails n read blog nia lor =(
oh ya..toking bout "blog"...damn sian ok!!!!
Every1 not updating de sian can!!!!
I got nth 2 read over there sian ler!!!
Exam is coming so I noe some of u mugging
lor but jieying n gl !!!!
jieying, u mus blog la..u so free can..lolx!
yea..I read ur "fish" post le..wtfish!
u mus be tat fish la..lalalala xD
now is gl's turn le...haha..
at least u blogged but....haiz....
y always so sad la?
wat thing so sad lor??
aiyo...u 4ever de..can blog 1 happy post 4 me 2 read ma...haha!!!
C I damn nice rite...blogged bout u again (:
so mus stay happy happy la ..hehe!
ok..should reply e tag le =)
thanks 4 tagging me when I'm not around:)
except 4 GL )=
hong : omg i don't want your 4kg of fats la. anyway 4kg so much can. i currently only have 4.8kg, you want to double it arh? *faint* aiya you got nothing to do jiu think of me la. eat for what la
hong : aiya you follow me sure can be slim de. haha. x)
hong : haha pt die liao
hong : and the school's like damn stupid can.
hong : hello again. tonight got one damn bright star again. =)
hong : haha this morning i saw the star again...almost knock my head on the car door again
hong : HELLO! (:
{hong} follow u I sure die even faster man!!!
sure put on more weight lor cos u eat so many
snack de =( I blehtahan sure eat de lor..think of
u worst lor..make me wanna eat more least bio pt completed liao lor..haha..
sch where got toopid la..superkukuhead la u!!
yea..over there somex ve somex can't c e stars lor! lolx! knock on ur superkukuhead then u become gong gong superkukuhead sia!!! xD
Hello =)
szehui: i whr got bluff u >.< haha no la..i got headache n sorethroat badly so cant xD we are sisters mah haha
{1st} oh i c..u take care lor! yea..I noe u n shinyi re gd jiemei la xD
jieying: c u on thurs
jieying: haha..hong.. i oso saw a star tonight but i m not sure is light or star haha
jieying: coming back tml???????hehe..... i m sooooooooo siannnnnnnnnnnnn
{jieying} not thurs wed lor..haha..
I ans 4 her..u damn gong n light also
fen bu chu =.=...lolx! no , is 2day!!!! back le!!
yiyi : yoz~~ haha how's ya? long time no chat... =PP
yiyi: yo be~!! YOU ARE TAGGED!!! haha go to my blog and do that quizz =pp
{yiyi} paiseh..cos i not around! I'm fine =)
kk..I'll do later ..thanks 4 tagging me !
naomi: hello!!i come back then you go le.. sad.. anyway.. must take care k! but if you don't take care also nvm de.. cause then you will be in singapore using comp la..haha
naomi: yoyoyo!! =)haha.. i am sick =( but recovering soon XD haha.. don't say that i never tell you then you must go other ppl blog then know hor.. i got tell you le haha =P
naomi: anyway...........nice song
{naomi} wow...din no u so mean de, rather I
sick hor =( c la..curse me..lolx! u sick liao lor..
jk la..u take care hor, exam coming soon le !yala yala..said until I damn xiao qi litat x(
OF COS la!!! damn nice lor =)
kingkong: weets~ i luv de song too!! TILL THE END! damn sad de! hahaha! faster come back!! =D i miss u alr!!
{kingkong} dun wan 2 say u long nvr tag me liao, where got miss me la..lolx!
veronica: now ok alr. let her scold till scared-.-
{veron} orh..ok liao ma? tok 2 u le ma?
ok..go cook 1st..
later then do e quiz lor ..
suddenly damn high liao can..lolx!
136 136 136
<3 superkukuhead!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
[4:54 PM]
Till The EndAll these precious moments
With you by my side
Must be a gift from heaven
Thats holding me all night
I dont know how i found you
I'm thankful that i have
That i have a love so true
To hold to keep to share
In my heart,I can no longer hold inside
All of the love i used to hide
I'd always be with you until the very end
In this world
There is no place I'd rather be
You are my life my soul, my world
And through it all, i know you'll come to see
That you're the one
Till the end
All my friends around me
Say you'll be gone too soonBaby,
i'm gonna make them see
We've found our way back home
In my heart,I can no longer hold inside
All of the love i used to hide
I'd always be with you until the very end
In this world
There is no place I'd rather be
You are my life my soul, my world
And through it all, i know you'll come to see
That you're the one
Till the end
We'll always be
Till the end
[7:19 AM]
oh gtg off soon...
mus type a really damn short n fast de ...
jus came back from jogging ..wanna die liao"chuan"!!!
too long nvr jog le >.<
2day is 22/04 hor..ok..2day onward mus start on my plan le..
"slim" plan which I've said on my blog~ my list of goals 4 e yr of 2007!
I put on 2kg of fats can!!!! shit la..tat means mus cut down
4kg!!!! die ! die!!! mus control le ):
all tat Bintan de fault lor...almost everyday eat fried chicken
then bo dai ji ,nth 2 do jiu EAT EAT EAT!!!! die la..4kg ler..
mus jiayou le..cannot tamjia le =(
I wanna sayang my superkukuhead so I wanna give tis 4kg
of FATS to her..LOLX! xD !!!
ok la..gtg le..
takecare everybody n MUS miss me lor...haha
<3 superkukuhead!
[12:25 AM]
Saturday, April 21, 2007
[11:34 PM]
You Are A Romantic |
You life your life like a fairy tale... or at least you try to. Living for magical moments, you believe there's only one true love for you. Love is the most important thing in your life, and you don't take it for granted. Your perfect match loves to be in love as much as you do! |
quite true =]]
[11:22 PM]
You Are 58% Addicted to Love |
Might as well face it, you're addicted to love.You've been a fool for love many times - but are you the wiser for it?Your needs should come first, both in and out of relationships.Because you're the only one who can look out for yourself! |
[11:13 PM]
Your Love Style is Agape |
You are a caring, kind, and selfless partner.Unsurprisingly, your love style is the most rare.You are willing to sacrfice your world for your sweetie.Except it doesn't really feel like sacrifice to you.For you, nothing feels better than giving to the one you love. |
[11:59 AM]
1) Name someone who made you smile today.
lolx! morni wake up automatic look at e sky jiu 'll smile lor (:
erm...oh n jus now chatting 2 gl too !
2) What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
blogging bah? stare at e comp? tagging?
3) What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
erm...still using e comp bah? searching thru ecards?
4) How many different things did you drink today?
onli milo..not even plain water yet...haha
5) Who was the last person you kissed?h
hmm? sending emo count? haha...if count then e person I chatting with
tis morni ...lolx! e real de damn should be my friend, sharon bah..on
her bday! xP
6) What color is your front door?
dark link meh?
7) Where do you keep your change?
everywhere..haha..wallet, bag, w-bag...
8) What's the weather like today?
oh..looks fine =)
9) What is the best ice cream flavor?
of cos is cookies'N cream la xD
10) What size shoe do you wear?
wanna buy me arh? I damn picky de lor..size 5 !
11)Are you random?
yes bah..lolx!
12) Do you talk alot?
lolx! of cos!!! damn loads!!! =D
13) Whats your favorite color?
not again @.@ black,blue.sliver n pink :)
14) What is the last thing you ate?
jus nia OREO cookie =)
15) Do have a nickname?
quite alot actually...sotong, babe, carrot, tadpole,
kukuhead,recently de PENGUIN!
16) Are you a heavy sleeper?
NO! not at all!
17) Did you cry today?
not yet..lolx!
18) Do you like someone right now?
yea..of cos =)
19) Last time you listened to music?
Now ! my blog's song xD
20) Do you miss someone right now?
YES! OF cos la!!!!!!!!!!!
21) How to make you touched?
damn easy la...praise me, sweet tok, care bout me, console me,remem
every single small details bout me, tell me how much u nid me, how much u love me,blog bout me, tag me,sent me mail,send me testi, send me everything...lolx! I'm vv easy gan dong de lor =) liao but fun! (:
[9:56 AM]
Good morni..
A brand new day has begin...
ermmm...wat am I suppose 2 blog about b4 leaving again?
ermmm...y isit almost every post is emo de?
n is always bout LOVE? lolx!
cos LOve is WondErFuL =)
cos once in awhile, rite in e middle of an ordinary life.....
Love gives us a fairy tale (:
do u agree with me?
loving u means a part of u has grown in me...
n so u see, it's u n me ..watever concern u..go 2 me too.
maybe we're in distance, but nvr in our heart!
PP say age does not protect us from love but love 2 some extent protects us from age?
There're always no guarantees 4 sad :(
If I go away .. would u still remem me?
Do we accept e things 2 which fate binds us n Love e pp with whom fate brings us together ?
SomeX we let affection go unspoken...
SomeX we let our love go unexpressed...
SomeX we can't find words 2 tell our feelings, esp 2wards our
Love 1 ...
But 2 me..I guess tat spoken up is e onli way 2 underst more..
Well..I think some pp come in2 our lives and quickly go.
some stay in our lives 4 awhile, leave footprints in our hearts..
so I dunno we belong 2 which kind?
but tats' not e thing I wanna noe..doesn't bother me at all..
All I care n noe is...I noe some1 is always there 4 me..loving 4 me..n I'm always there 4 u..loving..caring..u too..
tat's enough 4 me :)
lolx! crapping again =.<
pp reading my blog mus be damn bored esp jieying! haha!
keeps toking bout Love de..haha
paiseh bian cos now is at Love mood..lolx!
better than reading emo post rite? haha!
ok let's tok bout GL again!!! lolx!
Gl said she left at 6 30pm last nite bo jiu kan dao her at e MRT
le..lolx!n she asked me y I so blur last nite..isit thinking of her?
lolx! yea..thinking wat 2 blog bout u man..lolx!
hao le..nth much le..bye!
<3 superkukuhead!
Friday, April 20, 2007
[10:52 PM]
finally !!!
oh no..finally done!
I almost die man ..heart beats damn fast can!!!
yea..we ve 2 face it !
n I'm great tat we face it 2gether !!!
I dunno 'll it affect or watever..
but we can't escape from it..cos sooner or later still ve 2 face it!
thou I noe it may so how affect or may not..I dunno..
but I can't hide tis 2 be frank 2 each other rite?! let u decide it...
I noe some how if it's turns out as wat I've expected...
of cos..I'll acc it !
then 2nite is a gone case le )X
anyway I feel so relieve now..yay!
I dunno how n wat's ur mind think..
I jus dun wanna u 2 feel uncomfortable with it..
if u're fine with it..then I'll be fine lor..
if u feel weird..jus let me noe ...I noe wat 2 do de..
jus dun cheat n hide ur own feeling ...
ok..I dunno wat else I nid 2 say le>.<
I onli noe rite now, tis moment...I'm glad I ve u..
e nxt moment I dun wanna noe...
everyx I'll jus cherish each day by each day...
yea..oh, I wanna thank u again =)
thank you 4 ur understanding...
I think 2 love some1 deeply gives u strength n being loved by some1 deeply gives u COURAGE! tat's y I ve e courage 2...
I dunno whether is true ma when pp always say..
if u love some1, u love all things bout his/hers!
I think loving 1another n u'll be happy. It's as simple n yet as difficult as that! n I've no regrets at all!
I hope we can stay...till e end!
[9:40 PM]
I seriously dunno wat's wrong with me 2day ):
I jus came back from a gathering with my friends at
Tanjong Pagar, a Thai rest. We ate buffet..noe wat happen ma?
I went in2 e male's toilet =.=
I dun even noe until I entered man! heng! no pp inside can!
I think a waiter saw :{ paiseh !
I din really tok much 2nite =(
normally I'll be e "joker"..I can make them laugh dao their
tears roll down but 2nite every1 is damn quiet cos I'm damn
quiet! so we jus tok abit nia n they keep asking me isit vv
tired wking in Bintan bo y I looked so damn sian...
I think my face look like a piece of shit lor!!!
I told them no lor..then tried 2 act high..yea..they finally laugh
like mad le ...but I was damn not in e gd mood lor...yet I'm
trying 2 cheer pp up >.= doesn't tis sound "mao dun" ????
tis is life my life style !
is always litat..even when I'm down..feeling emo..
I'll still cheer pp up...cos I think when we're doing tis..
we'll feel better, at least not so emo? !
ok..after tat I took MRT back , was around 8pm+ ...
I'm listening 2 my hp(walkman) "till e end"..
then I looked outside , at Queestown nia so another
2 station lor..after a while, when e door opened...
I look outside..O.O was at Dover station ! Omg! I missed 1
station lor..I'm suppose 2 drop at Buona Vista station de can!
omg! blur sotong ! damn mad lor cos Dover station is diff from
others...I've 2 go all e way down then take e other side de
exculator n go up again lor ..omg! I look like a toopid idiot!
many poly's student there lor...pp 'll thought tat y tis siao char bo go down n up ..lolx!
ok after tat I reach home rite, then I went in e lift n pressed
storey 16 lor! a guy came in too then I dunno which button
he pressed lor...ok..I keep daydreaming, my mind nvr stop ok!
once e door opened, I followed him out !!! kuku me walked n
walked , still nvr realise tat it was not storey 16 can=.+
until I find how come guai guai de then I looked up ..
Omg! I'm at storey 10th la =( siao I pa shang qu lor
climb dao 15th storey lor..wowlao ..damn siao can!!!!
aiyo...2day damn jialat la...
I think damn long nvr been litat le...
now then I noe....yuan lai I think too much liao..
aiyo dunno wanna blog bout wat le...
anyway I'm fine..dun worry ;)
oh ya..2day ven't blog bout gl!!!
Gl..dun worry, I'm fine !
thanks 4 always so guan xin wo (:
ok ...nth le..
oh ya..4get 2 blog bout when I gtg back lor..haha
tis Sun ...damn early..mus reach ferry by 9pm ): more liao...tada
<3 superkukuhead!
[4:24 PM]
sorry..I dao-ed some of u =[[
cos I'm in bad mood jus now..sorry =(
I noe I shouldn't jus went off9 litat....
is kinda of damn sad so can't carry on type :(
sorry lor...
tis is e 1st X I nvr reply n went off9 ...
dun worry..I'm fine now..I'll sort it out ...
[3:22 PM]
Reality is tat which, when u stop believing in it........
doesn't go away!
Life is somex damn miserable ):
[9:09 AM]
...not raining
but is an emo day...):
Thursday, April 19, 2007
[10:35 PM]
YAY!!! I'm so damn happy lor =]]
I got new tagboard le (:
everybody ps tag on e new 1...cos e old de,I still can't read lor! dunno wat happen la ?
but got new de liao..yay!!!
omg! I 4get 2 change e ringing tone again..die!
I should go change it now !!!
ok..xD change hao le...ringing tone OFF!!!
even he called 1000x..nvm lor..haha..cos we can't hear
it at all ! YAY!
yea..2day is a beautiful day! haha!
so happy can..
thanks so much but so sorry tat I dunno how 2 let u
feel not bored lor ...sigh... happy u made it lor :)
yea..mus massage lor!
ok..nites&sweetdreams !
[10:11 PM]
Your Envy Quotient: 39% |
You are an occasionally envious person, but jealousy doesn't usually get the better of you. You're wise enough to know that envy feels horrible - and does nothing to improve your life. A little jealousy is normal: so go ahead and let yourself feel it. But don't let it bum you out! |
sorry hor..u're wrong ok!!! bad genes onli hang around
between e person I love lor xD
[10:10 PM]
Your Love Life Secrets Are |
Looking back on your life, you will have a few true loves.
You've been deeply wounded in the past, and you're still recovering from that hurt.
You prefer a quirky, unique person to be your lover. You're easy going about who you're with, as long as they love you back.
In fights, you love to debate and defend yourself. You logic prevails - or at least you'd like to think so.
Getting over a break-up doesn't take long. Easy come, easy go. |
aiyo..not easy come , easy go lor =(
[4:13 PM]
You Are a Sensitive Kisser |
For you, kissing is a way to connect
And you need lot of care, attention, and privacy
It may take you a while to kiss someone...
But when you do, it's total fireworks |
[4:01 PM]
You Are a Natural Flirt |
Believe it or not, you're a really effective flirt. And you're so good, you hardly notice that you're flirting. Your attitude and confidence make you a natural flirt. And the fact that you don't know it is just that more attractive! |
[3:56 PM]
You Are 64% Passionate, 36% Compassionate |
You are very passionate, especially when it comes to love.In fact, it's sometimes difficult for you to tell between love and lust.You jump in head first, and figure things out later... usually when it's all over! |
true??? abit la...
[3:26 PM]
tag replied
C fan jieying again!!! lolx
so paiseh n thanks 4 ur help..!!!
naomi: hello! haha.. lah.. you very nice k! haha
be{of cos I nice la =) }
hong : good morning! today no stars, only have clouds >.<
be{yalor..raining ma..nvm la, mus smile (: }
szehui: btw shiifu got only 35 in the test and i get 45 ler..ha
szehui: Lol. so penguin cant c ur tagboard omg..sadded
szehui: here ..haha
be{ y u on9 meh? aiya..cannot c tagboard nia la..i can c e friendtest board le..lolx! yea..both of u damn lousy la!!stop calling me penguin la!!! ;( yea..can't c sad! }
sandy:lol x.. chill lar.. mayb later can liao ? lolx
be{wowlao..u v happy arh?? I can't c u still "LOL" ??
cannot many later liao..*cry* }
[1:37 PM]
sian..haiz..dun feel like blogging lor..
so sian cos of e toopid tagboard!!! >.<
so pissed ler! 3rd day le!!!
w/o it..I feel like losing touch with friends lor =[
cos as u noe..nowadays I've lesser in s'pore n even if I'm here..
I got less X 2 go on9 le cos morni I ve 2 follow up some invoices n some filing lor :(
n by e x I can come on9..some of u already off9 le )= I was hoping at least we keep in touch in my tagboard li zhi suan bu ru tian suan..sigh..
idiot cbox..toopid ..wtshit..ta ma de..hai si ren )))X
no mood la!
I miss a lot of pp la....
I miss chatting with naomi! C I so nice..broadcast saying
I miss u =)
I miss 1st too! u back..I go...I go...u back =( so sorry !
I miss chatting with my superkukuhead too :(
(but jus awhile also better than nth lor)
I miss long nvr catch up with u le...sorry! take care!
I miss YUN!!!!! oh..damn long nvr chat with yun le ):
(yea..remem e cheesecake..)
I miss sotong baby!
OH ..I dun miss GL hor xP!!!
I chat with u everynite lor...u like me 2 blog bout u hor..
so I'll blog bout u in every post lor..haha..!
blog dao u paiseh lor..u said u'll be vv paiseh ma!
siao la..wan me 2 blog then you paiseh ..damn mao dun lor! lol
ok la...I got nth 2 blog so m talking rubbish lor...haha.
last nite ben called me at 11+pm tat's y I din chat with jieying
I jus off9 sudd 2 pick up his call pek chek!
I 4gpt 2 off e ringing tone so bo bian mus ans his call:(
suay! somemore tok 4 almost 2hrs can!!! wth!
I tried 2 stop him from calling me I thought I can settle
last nite! but ...he like self-high =.= keep toking rubbish..
I keep linking back 2 e hua ti..he keeps toking bout e past!!!
omg! wtf! he still stuck in e past man! siao liao la!!!
wat's wrong with him man???
I dun wan 2 tok bout e past anymore lor..
he keeps thinking tat I still got feeling 4 him lor..
haiz..dunno how 2 explain 2 him man ??!!!
I think he abit sot sot liao ..
I waited for him 2 yrs n he disappeared w/o a word...then
I took another 2 yrs 2 face e reality..n finally I get him out
of my mind..n now wtf he came back 2 mess up my life!
I noe u'll say jus ignore him but I can't stand e person tat I dun
like keep calling me,sms,sending letters....I jus dun wanna
2 c or hear anything related 2 HIM!
he noe I'm kinda soft-hearted..n keeps repeating e past...
n keeps telling me how much he nid n love me..
I keep asking him 2 listen 2 wat I wanna say but he like
toking 2 himself litat...aiyo..I give up le! I surrender!!!!
Now wat I can do is ...avoid his call!!!!
hope he'll give up! .. already 6mths liao ,he still ven't give up!
dun worry..I'm fine..jus damn fan nia!
God ps help me..send him away from me...
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
[3:22 PM]
tag repliedI still can't c my tagboard lor :(
2 days le..haiz..
n worst part..I can't c shanx,naomi n hong de too >.<
dunno is cbox de fault or my blogger???
so I ma fan jieying copy n paste 4 me lor..
hong : MUST SMILE OKAY! and can you see that i'm smiling too ?
hong : HUGHUG! no emo =x
hong : superkukuhead lai le!haha!good morning
hong : don't be sad supposed to be good day hor . anyway this morning got one bright star le.=)
hong : okay talk to you tonite ... CHEER UP!
be{hong} yea..smiling! can la..superkukuhead! bam!
lolx! *hughug* ! ok..2day is a good day (:()
yea..I saw 1 big n 1 baby de star =) cya 2nite! thanks!
DIDI: jie~ cool down ok..
be{xjie} ok..thanks!
tps: HEY! I CAN SEE UR TAGBOARD LEH. AHAHS.y u say cannot?
be{tps} I can't c lor..dunno y ler???
jieying: mine bo da ji oso cannot meh
jieying: everyone can c ur tag only u kuku cannot c
be{jieying} not fair lor !!! yea..kukube can't c so pissed lor!!!
sandy:lolx. wun lar unless u gif me the real one..haha i gt to kill some pple
be{sandy} lolx! I then dun wan 2 give u lor ! kill who?
wowlao finally replied le :)
damn shuang lor...haha..
I miss my tagboard so much ):
thanks jieying =)
[8:32 AM]
Your Candy Heart Says "Hug Me" |
A total sweetheart, you always have a lot of love to give out. Your heart is open to where ever love takes you!
Your ideal Valentine's Day date: a surprise romantic evening that you've planned out
Your flirting style: lots of listening and talking
What turns you off: fighting and conflict
Why you're hot: you're fearless about falling in love |
doing quiz as my tagboard pissed me lor ..);
[8:20 AM]
You are a Romantic Realist |
Okay, so you fall in the middle. You know that love isn't like a greeting card... Yet you can always find a greeting card to describe your feelings.
You are the best of both worlds Girly yet independent, dreamy yet serious. Almost any guy can find balance with you. |
[8:10 AM]
You Are a Bright Star Soul |
Like a shining star, you have no trouble being the center of attentionIn fact, you often feel a bit hurt when all eyes aren't on youYou need to be number one in everything, no matter how trivialAnd it's this ego that both hurts your confidence and helps you acheive You're dramatic and a powerhouse of pure energyYou posess a divine quality or uniqueness that's hard to defineA natural performer, it's likely you'll become famous in some circles.Just learn not to take everyone's reaction to you so personally! Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul and Prophet Soul |
[6:47 AM]
7zao8zao >.<omg! I still can't read n tag on urs n my tagboard!!! =(
omg! die la..can't chat in e morni liao :(
so sad can!=[[
really 7zao8zao jiu make me bad mood le "."
how??? aiyo..shit la!!! :{
y mus always sth there 2 upset me de??????????
I can't even c who tagged me ytd lor..pissed la :(
toopid idiot cbox!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
[11:27 PM]
tagboard siao le =(omg! dunno wat happen 2 my tagboard lor..
since afternoon jiu can't c my tag le!!
onli kan dao wat 403 error 4bidden nia! shit!
I can't even tag at hong n naomi de tagboard lor x(
die liao..hopefully by midnite hui hao bo 2morrow
morni how 2 chat on ur blog?
aiyo..dunno wat's wrong lor???
can't c n can't tag!!!
so sorry lor is not I nvr reply cbox qi siao le!!!
angry la...cannot survive w/o tagboard lor..siao liao la :(
if 2morrow still litat..mus ask superkukuhead 2 check 4 me la!
oh ya..mus blog about 1 person lor!!!
GL !!!! lolx! dun paiseh hor...I where got ask u 2 blog bout me
ok..wat should I blog bout u huh?
erm...noe gl from dean's forum lor...
gl is gd at art lor!
gl draw nice mickey n minnie lor...
gl v shy lor..lolx!
ok I think better stop here kena kill by her le XP !!!
n yea..thanks so much!!!
u noe I got lousy mood 2day but was damn high after reading
all those mail lor! esp 2wards e last part...sudd u ...even awhile
2 me is like superduper great lor!!! u mus cheer up too (=
remem no matter how emo n sad u're...u're not alone!
I'm always there 2 share..I'm always there 4 u !!!
nites n sweetdreams !
<3 *hughug*
[4:30 PM]
suay...2day really not my day lor :(
dunno wat happen 2 all ...almost all e cbox??
damn suay la..wanna tag also can't >.< damn not fair can!!! y jieying de bo dai ji de??? we 'veing e same tagboard ma?!!! aiyo..idiot still sending sms lor..go n d la.. I dun like 2 curse pp de cos last x my mama always tell me not 2 as e curse 'll bounce back so I nvr curse pp lor..but..can I curse him jus 4 2day??? damn pek chek mus fa xie lor X( I wan 2 go round n tag la..abcdefghijk..!!!!! oh ya..friends reading my blog..try e friend test at my link pg ! damn fun..! I tried jieying n 1st de le..damn fun lor! I love all tis kinda test n quiz lor cos I'm bo liao pp ma=.= 2 cook .. die pissed hor...later chop off all my finger ler.. mus cool down 1st..haiz..
<3 noh ss!W
[10:57 AM]
leave me alone..
I'm seriously in bad mood >.< !!!!
2day is a black Tue!
1. cut an orange...cut my own finger =.=
heng not a deep cut..dun worry..
2. drop my hp x(
damn! cos he sms again!!!!! 2day like sms me 8x liao =[[
I read dao so pek chek then throw it on e bed but it bounce 2 e floor! omg!heart pain can !!! :(
wtf!!! wat can I do ?wat am I suppose 2 do? onli can ignore nia! but still damn pek chek lor..messing up my day la..
send me all those "disgusting" msg !!!
1st msg " dear, taken ur breakfast? miss u lots !
2nd msg " Memories play a confusing role. They make u laugh when u remember the time u cried together! But make u cry when u remember the time u laughed together."
3rd " Close ur eyes..., Relax ur body and stop breathing as long as U can. Now breath... I miss u as much as u missed the air."
4th " If u gave me one last chance I'll show u my heart 'll love u till the end"
5th " I believe that God above created u for me to luv. he picked u out from all the rest cos he knew id luv u the best!"
6th " It’s hard to find someone whom u truly love, much less to find someone who loves u as much. When the chance comes, don't ever let go."
7th " There are times when I fall in love with someone new, but I always seem to find myself back in love with u. "
8th " When time comes for u to give ur heart to someone, make sure u select someone who will never break ur heart, jus give me one last chance 2 proof it."
haiz...if send by ur love 1, u'll "touched" dao faint lor!!!
but now is like my blood vessels wanna burst qi dao
wanna explore liao =(
I've alr off my hp le!
impossible 4 me 2 ask my uncle 2 change hp cos of him ma..
how m I gtg 2 tell my uncle?
"ah jiu..I wan 2 change hp cos a guy keep sms me.." ???
he'll definitely say " guan ta la..I'm not e 1 paying his sms ma!"
I noe my uncle vv well bear with it lor!
y can't u underst ??? everything is OVER liao..
e past is gone..gone 4ever..y mus u keep forcing me 2 acc u??
I think u mus be desperate 4 girls isit?
how many millions' x mus I tell u,I got no feeling 4 u anymore! u damn funny can! tat was during sch X..was damn long ago man..can't u jus get a life n leave me alone??? leave me alone and stop harassing me can ???? wat u're doing now...make me
hate u more man!!!! so better stop calling me !!!!
I'm pissed off!
Be arh Be...jus bear with it la...dun take it so hard lor...
ermm...I try la :(
[9:07 AM]
con'tlast nite nvr con't blogging cos too tired le =[
didn't zzz well..haiz..
had weird dream..4get liao x(
okay..idiot called me up last nite..
tok bout bo liao stuff :(
he went 2 USA for 3mths cos of dunno wat course la..
anyway not interested 2 noe *.*
he said both of us is "tian sheng yi dui" ( a perfect pair match by heaven) ! I wanna vomit can &.& ! sai la..ur head lor x(
cos he said when he was away..I also away!
now he is back..I'm also back =.=
wt? !!! dun make me use tat words lor !
I bluff him I'm leaving 2nite!
he said wanna send me off ..shit!
I told him my boyfr 'll be there lor...he said nvm ..wth man!
I asked him isit wanna qian bian??!
he said litat jiu wanna bian him...then tis guy mus be damn
xiao qi! he used e words "xiaoqi" !!!
I think he gone mad liao le cos he sms me when I'm on e phone with him lor !!! siao liao de!!!
I asked him 2 stop sms'ing me then he asked me y..
aiyo...I wanna qi siao liao can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I tok 2 him for around 20mins..
then I bluff him I wanna zzz le..
tis idiot making me tell lot of lies la..
Oh my "god"...y mus u send some1 litat 2 me huh????
make my peaceful life sudd so miserable :( mood 2 blog le..
Monday, April 16, 2007
[10:34 PM]
sianyea..back again!
but was so pissed lor!
once reach home nia jiu quarrel with my bro le x(
cos of tat idiot ben again!
flooded my hhp with 30 over msg !!! shit man!
dunno wat u wan la..sudd disappear then now appear again!
I thought u gone appear again 4 wat sia!
I was so happy..thought u won't call me again le..
haiz..u really thought I'm so free arh..suka suka jiu fan wo!!!
I dun scold pp de but u make me wanna ask u go 2 hell lor!!!
stop calling me la!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so pissed X(((
n my kns bro read all e msg can :(
e reason he gave me ... "ur hp making so much irritating many msg.." 1st I dinno he read my msg de..until his itchy's
mouth begin 2 shoot me like machine gun again...
"who e f is him ?"
"from bintan de arh?"
"dun try 2 flirt around hor.."
"ask him stop sms u in e nite hor, he dun wan 2 zzz..I wan 2 hor!"
"dun underst u y always anyhow give pp ur hp no....?"
so WAR start lor....
I scream at him cos he read my msg lor..I dun care..
I scolded him "mei li mao" how can he read my msg w/o
my permission lor..
C ..I told u rite, I got no privacy de..
letter ..he'll open n read too!
now my hp ..he read all e msg too =.=(cos i nvr bring 2 bintan)
wtv la...u re e 1 who give ben my hp no. de lor !!!!
aiyo..excuse me la...wat's e matter with u man???
I'm adult la...not kids anymore..stop treating me like little girl
lor X(
jus dun underst y like 2 guan wo de shi so much man???!!!
mom also nvr say anything at all..
2day shouldn't come back de la ={
so suay! all cos of u..sucker ben!
CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC la..I noe u sure call me 2nite de!!!!
cccccccccccccccccccc chatting with gl n pauline ,tat sucker really call me up liao..NOW! wtf !
later I sure kena scold again..shit! stop here..con't later..
wanna scold pp le !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
actually was quite high when reading mail de but now...
no mood liao !!!
Friday, April 13, 2007
[4:14 PM]
actually I did tis b4 I left...then I save it in my draft..haha
yea..damn toopid la!!! u damn happy rite =(
purposely act toopid so u can outstand me ma..lolx!
bo u thought u really damn smart arh?
no lor...u damn kuku can xD xD xD
[7:00 AM]
oh..last nite was looking at e sky b4 I enter my dreamland...
nowadays so use 2 do tat ...I think since Jan bah? If I'm not wrong ..yes is JAN!
been thinking a lot ..tat's normal! If 1 day Be nvr think then is
abnormal le..haha! okay, wat was I thinking of ...?
I dunno..? jus love e feeling when u looking up at e sky!
if u dun believe wat I say, u try looking at it 1 day..n esp when
u can c STARS in e sky! I dunno how 2 describe tat feeling..
it's kinda of "shuang"...tat can calm u down..tat can make ur
mind so cool !
I love STARS ..cos I love u..cos I can c hope in e STARs..
They comfort me..give me e hope of a better 2morrow ..(:
Wat's e 1st thing u think of when u looking up?
I guess e 1st thing tat appear in ur mind is wat's tat bothering,
or always in ur mind..
yea..2 me, I'm thinking of u =]]
last nite beside thinking of u...I thought of lot of thing too!
I was thinking bout wat is life?
2 some pp,
life is a struggle n pain?
life is jus 1 damned thing after another?
I noe a lot of u think tat life is so damn sucks!
maybe 2 some of u..but actually is not lor!
I think u owe it 2 urself not others..
If u always think of all e bad things in life, u'll miss out on all e good things around u!
To me...
Life is a journey..u've 2 walk till e end ..whether u wan or dun,
u still ve 2 finish it!
Life'is like a story..n we're e author! We write ,plan...e story.
jus e matter of we won't noe e ending part of e story...
we'll onli noe till we reach e last pg!
Life is like a maze....we tend 2 be lost at certain stage..n there's
always seem like lot of diff path 4 us 2 choose...ans, we seem
like always chosing e wrong 1?!
gosh..somex I think, e hardest thing in life is...LIFE!
I think diff age ve diff thinking bout life?!
when I was a teenager, I think tat our society is full of crap, wasted on depression and hatred!
Life is wasting dumb..
but now...
I think life is BEAUTIFUL!
of cos it's sucks somex!
I think
life is onli beautiful if u make it beautiful.
How can we make it beautiful?
I would say..dun live in e past, its over !
u can't change it.dun worry bout e future cos it hasn't happened in tis moment... do wat u wan n live ur life!
There re many thing other than bad,unhappy...around u tat can make u feel worth living in tis world!
Tat is LOVE....we lean love from life n love from family,lover,
friends.. whether life is beautiful or not depends on e view u hold on 2..I think love make life beautiful :)
There're many things in life tat 'll catches ur eyes but onli few 'll catch ur heart .Love wat u've n remem wat u had. I always try 2 4give, 4get bout hate .but nvr 4get u mus learn from ur mistakes. nrv regret..I NVR regret anything from my past cos I
wanna learn from my mistakes !
So many of our dreams at 1st seem impossible..but somx there's miracle!letting go means giving up...pp who give up nvr get e chance 2 win..nvr give up on life..eventually it'll grow in2 its dreamland!
Pp may change, things go wrong, but life goes on....
e onli way life can go on is if u go on !
Always smile n look on e bright side!
life isn't always e worse ...
life is simple jus tat we make it complicated!
Now seriously think bout wat I've said n choose which 1 u wanna live in 2day ....
appreciate LIFE!
<3 !
Thursday, April 12, 2007
[9:50 PM]
tyre flat out..YAY!
lolx! I was being so mean lor..haha
cos tis afternoon while my uncle sending me 2 TMFT
hor..when his car at expressway hor ...his car suddenly like
qi siao litat, went left n rite!!! xia si wo!!! then jiu stop le..
I was like "huh"?? then actually I mus catch e ferry by4pm de
but we kena stuck there cos no spare tyre n no cab in e centre
of e expressway ma!!!
my uncle was vv pek chek lor but I was like keep smiling ler!!
I "an shuang" ..lolx! I was hoping tat e "jiu bing" dun come so
fast lor..heng my uncle dunno I ve a read liao sure
qi si lor!!! I dun care lor..delay 1 day also shuang =]]
wow..I saw 2 stars!! 1 damn bright n 1 damn small de.. least better than nth lor..but no different rite?
2morrow leaving n so mus delay a day back le :(
back on Mon bah?
yea..u superkukuhead lor!!!
ok..I wanna zzz le..tada..nites..
[7:51 AM] passes so fast..haiz..
wat is time?
I think time is wat we wan most yet we use WORST !!!
rite? agree with me?
SomeX I feel tat life is passing me by not slowly either,
is like X is moving n I'm still standing there, not moving 4ward
at all :(
I guess I'm wasting time, seriously!
Many of us spend half our X wishing 4 things ... in e end we
4get 2 make gd use of it !
e past is gone,e future is not come n e present becomes e past !
It's take a lot 2 understand, I guess..time is precious
We mus learn 2 make use n enjoy every min of our life.
be happy, dun always wait 4 sth outside of ourselve 2 make us happy..cos diff pp ve diff way 2 stay happy..
some of them feel happy when they can get things they wan!
some of them feel happy when they can eat e food they wan!
some of them feel happy when they can go out ,spending X with their friend!
some of them .........4get tat X passes so fast tat while they're
chasing 4 wat they wan , they actually miss e moment tat re
with them...
another important thing bout X is tat u cannot stop it.
There's no way 2 slow it down, turn it off, or adjust it.
X marches on n on...n u cannot bring back time. Once it is gone, it is gone.
sad 2 say ytd is lost forever..2morrowis uncertain...
we may plan e yr ahead with full of dreams n hope but we really ve no guarantee tat 'll we be gtg 2 experience any of it??!
we can look back at e past but we ve 2 keep moving 4ward..
so ps treasure time..time is precious!
If u wan 2 make good use of ur time, u got 2 noe wat's most important n then give it all you've 2 get wat u wan!
I dunno whether u underst wat I'm blogging ?
maybe it dun make sense but dun waste anymore "TIME"!
but I'm still wasting X here..hahahaha!
anyway I din make gd use of X either!
I've wasted lot of times in my past n maybe now as well..
esp during e period of 13-18 yrs old..
I nvr put in effort in my study, test,exam....
I really deeply regret..regret tat I din study hard,
regret tat I spend my sch's life dreaming n playing around!
but I can't turn back e clock now...
so ve 2 face it..
wat I can do now..I guess..doing stuff tat is rite, trying my best
2 help pp tat I can reach out, loving ,caring pp around me,
trying 2 read more bks 2 upgrate myself, listen 2 more comments,lending my ears 2 those tat nid,be more serious in
my wk...
wat else? I dunno? I seem like got no enough X man?
can I borrow from u ,GOD??
okay la..wowlao 2day de post like damn "serious" litat?!
no joke man..lolx!
okay..seeya soon!
Take care =]]
esp my kukuhead <3!!!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
[11:32 PM]
cya soon..Gdbye, gdbye, I hate the word!
Wat can I do with all the days and hours??
take care..cya on sun =]]
thanks kukuhead! I'm really feeling vvv high though leaving
2morrow =(
anyway, 'll remem wat u say de...haha...
c u soon :)
<3 bam!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
[11:43 PM]
super tired...dunno y feeling so tired now ?
wanna blog de but keep nodding off lor ..haha!
ok la..try 2 stay awake 4 awhile :)
nth much happen..jus tat almost quarrel with my uncle lor x(
cos ytd he said tat I can go back on thur then sudd say cannot!
n asked me 2 go back 2morrow morni can!!!!!!!!!!
I was like so qi lor! then I called Mr Jonney..heng everything
settled le! so gtg back on THURSDAY lor ..haha..I win liao!
(con't...too tired last nite so went 2 zzz lor xP)
but dun be 2 happy lor..cos I still nid 2 go over there every wk!
so come back on every Sun n go back on Thurs :(
2morrow mus go back le..sigh..
7zao8zao jiu sigh le...aiyo..sorry =(
e stay in Bintan ...really chao super sian can !!!
alone..onli play with bernie nia n e rest of e x jus watching
dunno wat TV prog(all ne ne ne de lor) n stoning lor @.@
life is so boring over there...
if u noe me well...I seldom use e words "bored/boring"!!!
those who chat with me 'll noe rite? did u ever c I use tis
words?? No rite? lolx!
noe y?
even I m, I won't use those words ..
cos it'll make it worst..u'll feel MORE bored when u say tat!
n I'll nvr say tat 2 e one I love as no matter how bored or
how sian it is...e x spending with love 1 is always so meaningful lor..won't bored even got nth better 2 do=]]
I always cherish every sec every min with u..
even jus stoning at e comp, to me is an important task..haha!
how I wish tat x could jus stop tat we dun ve 2 say
nites n gdbye =(
erm..tis ve been an important task to me since last sept bah?!
haha..think u dun even realise tat ! haha!
omg! I lost link again..hahaha!
okay..I was trying 2 say...can c tat I mus be really damn bored
over there lor since I use e words "boring"! true lor..damn boring over there de!
no comp, no kukuhead,no friends, no mama, no fav food,
no no no no ...everything no! wth man! xiang liao jiu sian!
C I told u rite..e more u think of "bored", it's become WORST!
okay, I shan't tok bout tat le..jus say it 4 tis x nia!
pui!chey! get lost "boring" ..stay away from me, I dun wan 2
use "u" anymore! u should be honour cos I tok bout "u" in my post! wowlao wtfish man!wat rubbish I'm crapping la???
y sudd tok to "boring" ? I think I siao liao !!!!
I wan my mind 2 be damn buz can?!
then I won't ve X 2 think so much lor x(
y mus e brain keeps thinking things de huh?
anyway dun worry sia..I'm ok de lor (:
somex jus nid 2 be emo nia..hahaha!
though I m back but I still got wk 2 do de ler!
so nvr on9 in e long nvr chat with veron le!
hope u're fine! hope ur uncle 'll get well soon (:
oh ya..jieying can't come on9 for 2 days ler cos....haha!
ok la..hope u can get e job in 4 season lor :)
naomi sick liao..get well soon ba!
damn long nvr chat with yun le..but so happy 2 receive ur email lor! tat's e way 2 keep in touch man =)
hope u're getting use 2 ur JC's life ..yea, I remem I own u "cheesecake" lor..june ba? lolx!
sotong baby everyday seem like enjoying life man..lolx!
remem wat u promise me hor xP
dun so stress la, pinsing! mus relax lor..sorry, nvr catch up with u =(
oh ya..any job vacancy?? ps tell me hor..ahjo is looking for job now !
C la..I lost touch with so many of u ler..cos of "bloodybintan"!
erm...ok, mus fax invoice liao..haiz..tada =)
[8:56 AM]
okay la..I change my blog's song le =]]
tis song vv nice also (:
Endless Love by Lionel Richie(duet with Diana Ross)
My love
There's only you in my life
The only thing that's right
My first love
You're every breath I take
You're every step I make
And II want to share
All my love with you
No one else will do
And your eyes (your eyes, your eyes)
They tell me how much you care
Oh, yes
You'll always be
My endless love
Two hearts
Two hearts that beat as one
Our lives have just begun
And forever
I'll hold you close in my arms
I can't resist your charms
And love
Oh, love
Ill be a fool
For you,
Im sure
You know I dont mind
Oh, you know I dont mind
cause you,
You mean the world to me
I know
I know
Ive found in you
My endless love
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom
Oooh, and love
Oh, love
Ill be that fool
For you,
Im sure
You know I dont mind
Oh you know-
I dont mind
And, yes
Youll be the only one
cause no one can deny
This love I have inside
And Ill give it all to you
My love
My love, my love
My endless love
[7:21 AM]
The Part of You That No One Sees |
You are compassionate, caring, and soothing.You like other people to depend on you...In fact, you don't feel right unless you are helping someone out. Underneath it all, you feel the burden of everyone's problems.Without your guidance, you fear that many people's worlds would fall apart.You like to feel in charge, even if it brings you a lot of stress. |
Monday, April 9, 2007
[11:32 AM]
最 近 的 心 情 。 。 。 。
。 。 。 不 是 很 美 咯 X(
嗨 。 。 不 久 前 听 到 一 个 朋 友 和 他 拍 拖 了 年 多 的 女 友 分 手 了 , 原 因 是 他 爱 上 别 的 女 孩 ! 就 是 等 于
“一 脚 搭 两 船 ”似 的 ! 于 是 被 他 的 首 任 女 友 发 现 了 , 女 的 无 法 忍 受 他 的 背 叛 、 他 的 不 忠 , 最 后忍 痛 提 出 分 手 !
爱是什么 太多的解释搞不清楚了。 。 爱有多真 感觉要多真才算是永恒。 。 。 。
其 实 爱 情 这 回 事 , 没 有 所 谓 的 谁 对 谁 错 。
因 为 谁 也 没 想 到 当 初 许 下 的 承 诺 、
当 初 对 彼 此 浓 浓 的 爱 、
当 初 没 有 对 方 都 活 不 下 的 意 念 、
当 初 的 山 盟 海 誓 。 。 。 。 。 。 。
都 会 从 浓 转 为 谈 或 是 真 的 没 有 所 谓 的 长 长 久 久 的
爱 情 吗 ?
不 是 的 。 。 。因 为 爱 情 不 可 能 永 远 处 于 高 潮 ,
热 恋 过 后 就 剩 下 平 淡 如 开 水 的 感 情 ! 如 何 维 持
这 段 感 情 就 要 看 彼 此 如 何 经 营 、 如 何 在 沉 闷 的
时 候 增 添 一 些 色 彩 !
但 却 是 很 多 人 无 法 在 这 段 时 间 一 起 携 手 度 过 这 个
考 验 期 。 。 。 是 多 么 可 悲 的 事 !
我 有 很 多 疑 问 ?
为 何 当 两 个 相 爱 的 人 在 一 起 时 , 种 种 的 缺 点 都 能
一 一 的 变 得 毫 无 起 眼 。 。甚 至 还 能 包 容 着 对 方 !
为 何 当 两 人 情 转 谈 时, 就 连 一 粒 沙 都 容 不 下 呢 ?
我 最 不 能 理 解 的 就 是 为 甚 么 说 断 就 能 断 呢 ?
那 些 一 起 度 过 快 乐 的 时 光 。 。 。 。
那 些 所 有 在 彼 此 脑 海 里 深 深 停 留 过 的 脚步。。那 些 对 彼 此 讲 过 的 爱 语 。 。 。 。
那 一 切 的 画 面 , 怎 么 能 说 忘 记 就 能 忘 记 呢 ?
也 许 是 我 太 保 守 吧 !
有 时 真 的 觉 得 人 类 好 像 太 无 情 了 ! 人真的很恐怖... 他们都可以说变就变... 今天跟你来个轰轰烈烈; 而明天可以跟你提出分手; 再后天彼此又和好如初了...
说 变 就 变 , 说 不 爱 就 不 爱 了 。 。 。 。
一 段 感 情 离 去 , 紧 接 著 又 来 了 另 一 段 。 。 。
就 这 样 一 段 又 一 段 。 。 嗨 。 。 。 。 。
为 甚 么 人 会 这 么 善 变 ?
为 甚 么 感 情 这 么 脆 弱 ?
难 道 感 情 真 的 这 么 经 不 起 考 验 吗 ?
我 不 知 道 ?
很 遗 憾 的 是 , 谁 也 无 法 保 证 这 段 情 是 永 恒 的
或 许 世 上 真 的 没 有 东 西 是 永 恒 的 ? ?
所 以 在 还 爱 着 对 方 时 , 请 好 好 珍 惜 吧 !
看 多 、 听 多 。 。 也 麻 木 了 !
不 奢 求 什么, 也 不 期 待 着 付 出 就 得 得 到回报 。
切 记!付 出 绝 对 不 能 期 待 着 要 有 相 同 的 回 报! 因 为 所 付 出 的 往 往 在 回 报 上 是 不 成 比 例 的 !
你 越 想 得 到 回 报 , 失 望 就 会 跟 随 着 来 了 !
我 个 人 觉 得 付 出 ,其 实 有 种 说 不 出 的 满 足 感 ! 我 的 付 出 所 得 到 的 回 报 就 是 快 乐 的 !
还 有 真诚以待, 就会有回报!
我 常 问 自 己 每一 次的感動過後 你又能長久的擁有嗎? 沒有永遠不變的思想 也沒有永遠唯一的情感 。 。 。 。 曾经听过一段话: 在对的时间,遇见对的人,是一生幸福
在对的时间,遇见错的人,是一场心伤 在错的时间,遇见错的人,是一段荒唐
在错的时间,遇见对的人,是一阵叹息 其实有些事情,真的是没得到的时候,最珍贵美丽 你是否分得清楚,
你爱的是那得不到的感觉还是那个人....... 聪明的人喜欢猜心,虽然每次都猜对了,却失去了自己的心.........
傻气的人喜欢给心,虽然每次都被笑了,却得到了别人的心.....总 得 来 说 , 爱 对 我 而 言 其实,相爱不是一件容易的事, 如果能体会一段感情来得并不容易, 就不该允许它经历任何风风 雨 雨 , 抓住想要的幸福才是最重要的。其它的我 不 愿再去多想, 只要有爱就值得去期待,不是吗? 所以只想说 , 如果珍惜爱,就别轻言别离 。 。 。 。想 想 这 份 爱 来 得 不 易 , 千 万 不 要 一 时 被 外 头 的 风 风 雨 雨 而 把 一 段 来 得 不 易 的 感 情 给 吹 毁 了 ! <3 kukuhead!
[10:22 AM]
one of my fav song sia..Michael Learns To Rock - That's Why (You Go Away)
Baby want you tell me why there is sadness in your eyes
I don't wanna say goodbye to you
Love is one big illusion
I should try to forget
But there is something left in my head
You're the one who set it up
Now you're the one to make it stop
I'm the one who's feeling lost right now
Now you want me to forget every little thing you said
But there is something left in my head
I won't forget the way you're kissing
The feelings so strong were lasting for so long
But I'm not the man your heart is missing
That's why you go away I know
You were never satisfied no matter how I tried
Now you wanna say goodbye to me
Love is one big illusion I should try to forget
But there is something left in my head
Sitting here all alone in the middle of nowhere
Don't know which way to go
There is so much to say now between us
There ain't so much for you
There ain't so much for me anymore
[10:02 AM]
Firehouse - Love Of A Lifetime
I guess the time was right for us to say
We'd take our time and live our lives
Together day by day
We'll make a wish and send it on a prayer
We know our dreams can all come true
With love that we can share
With you I never wonder--will you be there for me
With you I never wonder--you're the right one for me
I finally found the love of a lifetime
A love to last my whole life through
I finally found the love of a lifetime
Forever in my heart
I finally found the love of a lifetime
With every kiss, our love is like brand-new
And every star up in the sky
Was made for me and you
Still we both know that the road is long
We know that we will be together
Because our love is strong
I finally found the love of a lifetime
A love to last my whole life through
I finally found the love of a lifetime
Forever in my heart
I finally found the love of a lifetime
e song is not v nice 2 me but e lyrics is meaningful lor =]]<3
Sunday, April 8, 2007
[10:20 PM]
tis quiz is damn accurate lor..
but dunno y I can't copy it here..
Your Birthdate: March 27
You are a spiritual soul - a person who tries to find meaning in everything.
You spend a good amount of time meditating, trying to figure out life.
Helping others is also important to you. You enjoy social activities with that goal.
You are very generous and giving. Yet you expect very little in return.
Your strength: Getting along with anyone and everyone
Your weakness: Needing a good amount of downtime to recharge
Your power color: Cobalt blue
Your power symbol: Dove
Your power month: September
[9:38 PM]
Your Heart Is Pink |
In relationships, you like to play innocent - even though you aren't.Each time you fall in love, it's like falling for the first time. Your flirting style: Coy Your lucky first date: Picnic in the park Your dream lover: Is both caring and dominant What you bring to relationships: Romance |
[9:02 PM]
Tag replynaomi: wah seh.. school' s com siao le haha
naomi: eheh!! jie don't any how say hor.. i press one time then later when load finish jiu got so many liao
be: lolx! nvm siao jiu siao la ...ur jie mouth v itchy de ma :P
szehui: btw u really looked like penguin tht time lor..haha >.< monkey is so skinny but i was quite fat when i was a kid, so i was not monkey hahaha..ok u tk care cu
be: x( where got lor? oh so u re piggy sia :D..kk u take care too
szehui: heyyy..
be: HI !!!!!
szehui: hey ll u on9 later? haha dun feel emo anymore k..cheer =)
be: yea...gtg 2.. now, after I reply all e tag =)
veronica: o.O then 99% lor.
be: *.* haiz...
veronica: i wont skip meals. im getting my big appetite back .
be: gd lor..means tat ur mood is no longer so emo le ..haha
veronica: i love this song! muahahaa
be: yea! I luv tis song v much..doesn't mean my feeling is like
tis song now lor..haha! ur com also qi siao arh..lolx!
veronica: -.- why appear so many. i'll be going to genting tmr, will be back on thursday night
be: oh i c...yi lu shun feng..paiseh..I cannot come 0n9 2 chat
with u jus now ..sorry n enjoy ur trip ba!take care!
hong : say everything dun...then dun do homework hao mah? x)
be: dun ur head lor ! dun sayang u can mah??? lolx!
hong : btw you never tell me before what is yi zhi ma la...i cannot remember leh
be: rusty brain :(
hong : btw not my fault you knock your head lor... anyway i sayang you already.. xD
be: ur fault lor !!! sayang not enough lor..still pain can !
hong : hi...i looked up at the sky just quite a few stars...damn bright de.
be: yea...I saw too !
hong : haha duty again... xD...don't know what to tag
be: lolx! u 4ever de lor..haha
hong : okay...uh.. goodnight (:
be: gdnited :)
jieying: wow,u do so many quiz haha but it look interesting ,haha
be: yea.. cos damn bo liao lor ..haha
jieying: u have to go pray pray liao la,change luck
be: yalor..mus bai bai le ..haha
jieying: listen to some happy song ba..... too emo no gd for health hor..haha
be: lolx! dun wan lor..happy song not nice ler..haha..
won't de la..dun worry !
shengqi: are you coming back forever? not going anymore?
be: Lolx! no lor..still ve 2 go..haiz..
[2:47 PM]
dunno yyyyy...I m back =]]
jus reach hr ago ..
but e 1st thing I do, change blog's song again x(
naomi always feeling like e song in my blog...
is tat true? yea..I guess so...sigh..
feeling emo again..haiz..dunno y?
maybe cos of tis song bah??!!
but I luv tis song ..u noe..?
dun ask me y I like..I dunno y?
jus now in e ferry, was listening 2 e radio n tis song was on air!
so from there till keeps repeating in my mind...
now, raining!
feel more emo X(
dun worry...I'll be okay ..
maybe I nid some rest...I m tired...
cya soon .
Thursday, April 5, 2007
[12:11 PM]
I officially declare my hate 4 my toopid..idiot crocs sandal!!!
damn pissed with it lor =[
tis morni went downstair 2 buy breakfast hor...
fall down again lor !!! then tis x is damn paiseh can!!!
cos I like "yi zi ma" lor ..lolx! n jus 2 let u noe hor..last x telling
u wat's "yi zi ma" hor!!! u seriously nid 2 mug harder 4 ur chin lor :( ..means e legs "split" !!! get it ma? I told u b4 rite?
still dare 2 say I nvr lor ..whack u ! okay, link back !
C can imagine how I pose ma?? damn toopid rite?!
I think 2 lady saw la , cbleh paiseh lor!
I myself can't stop laughing can..lolx! then I v smart..faster took out my hp n ear pieces , pretend listening 2 radio or watever pp sure thought I'm siao diao liao lor ..haha!
my knees pain can..haiz..
then when I was replying tag, I knock my head on e desk lor!
so kuku lor..but ur fault leg itchy ma then my eyes
keep staring at e comp, I bent my body down ,my head jiu
knock on2 e desk lor =(
2day damn suay can !
aiyo..wat happen 2 u huh? I damn worry sia??
I keep refreshing n refreshing..refresh dao comp wanna spoil
le..I'm blogging n replying ur tag at e same x lor..but u sudd
stop 4 so long..kena caught??? oh no..bu yao xia wo!!!
die!!! dun tell me really kena book ler?! I'll feel damn bad n
guilty lor =( omg...u ven't reply me yet!!!
ps ..*pray hard 2 God*..dun let u kena caught :(
CHEY! yuan lai ur friend using comp! CHEY! xia si wo !!!
omg! u gtg le..yea is true..tok awhile is better than nth lor!
omg! I noe I said cannot emo de..but...sudd feel so damn emo!
I should change topic le...
last nite chatting with gl,1st,shenli n jean..
1st is so mean ok !
she said my dp (me with e bday's cake de)look like"penguin"!!! hmph!!
then gl also laugh at me lor ! both of u so mean lor!
hai shi shenli zui hao! she said I cute sia..unlike both of u lor..
if I look like penguin..then both of u look like monkey lor..lolx!
oh ya..shenli change new url le n she is gtg 2 malacca 2day!
zhu ni yi lu shun feng!
dunno wat 2 blog le..ermm..
emo again..gtg off in another 2 hrs X...haiz...
actually if I didn't come back on sat hor..maybe 2morrow
is my last day there le..haiz...
bo bian la..everything is beyond control lor..
anyway..mus look on e bright side! I'll be back SOON! =]]
okay..remem 2 take care ,everybody!
as 4 u..dun fall sick again!
dun emo again!!
I dun wish 2 read emo post when I can come on internet in Bintan ler! dun skip meal 2 mug hor..mus eat lor!dun sian dao nvr do hw lor!dun do last min thing hor!dun listen 2 tat song hor!everything dun..lolx!onli 1 thing mus remem..look up in2 e sky =]]<3 kukuhead!